
Here we go again...

Peoples of the world.

I thought I would take a longer break from blogging but GUESS WHAT! I am incredibly bored. And I have this insatiable desire to have everyone listen to what I have to say. Not that it's important.

I will word-vomit as follows:

1. Being back feels totally weird and completely natural. I am at all times feeling 1,000 emotions surging through my soul and I'm not quite sure what to do with them all. Mostly I just hide in a corner of my house and nibble on Wheat Thins. Healthy? Not so sure. But it's better than thinking about wearing pants and talking to boys about something other than missionary work.

2. Coming off the plane and into my family's arms was like stepping through a veil - is it strange that my mission memories are fading so quickly? It feels like a distant memory that was maybe just a dream.

3. Oh my gosh the bread here in America is so gross.


5. I still can't sleep in past like 8am no matter how late I go to bed. I feel guilty not talking to people on the street. I check for my nametag at least 3 times a day. I AM WEIRD.

6. So basically the first thing everyone has said to me since I've been back is, "Oh, look at you! You are so skinny!" as if it was like the compliment of the century. I would love to rant about this some other time, but let me just advise you to NOT SAY THAT TO ME. EVER.

7. All the men here wear waaaay too big of pants.

8. I'm really tired.

9. All I want to do is write write write. I will be working on some things. I hope you all still read my blog. If you have any topic suggestions, questions, or concerns, please inform me so I have an excuse to take a long bath to ponder the creative possibilities.

10. That is all.


You better believe I came off the plane in that dress.


  1. Glad to hear that you made it safely home! Next time in Omaha I'd love to hear about your missionary adventures!

  2. Lesa. So glad you are back! Times a jillion.

  3. How fun that I can read your blog! I love the dress! How many jars of Ovomaltine do you have left??

  4. Dear Lesa, I definitely know what you mean about checking for your name tag compulsively. One of the hardest habits for me to break was answering the phone as Sister Hughes. :) Congratulations on your mission. I hope you come to Utah soon.

  5. Your mission blogs have been wonderful, but I'm definitely excited to see what is to come. SO MUCH has gone on in the world of women since you've been away. I'm really interested in hearing what your opinions!

    It's good to have you home! :)

    1. So... um... just ignore the unnecessary words in the sentences above. For some reason my first note rhymed and in an effort to be less like Dr. Seuss, I tried to remedy it... can't win'em all I guess. lol

  6. LESA. THAT DRESS. YES. YES. OH YES. Also. Topics for your blog. Talk about #6 on your list more. :) And how about you where that dress in lots of places and do photo shoots. And then blog about it.

