
February 18, 2013

Well guess what!

There is a new member of the Bielefeld Gemeinde as of yesterday! Michael was confirmed into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I have never seen him happier, which is saying something because that man is never not happy. Ha. One time I called him to make an appointment and he was cracking jokes (as usual) and I just responded with a "uh huh" because I can never understand his jokes and I just really wanted to make out this appointment. The conversation goes as follows:
Michael: Sister Young, I just like to joke! [he was probably sensing my impatience]
Me: Yes, Michael, I know. You love jokes. But I just don't understand all your jokes. I'm sorry.
Michael: You know what I always say, 'a day without smiling is a lost day!' [apparently this is something Charlie Chaplin once said and I'm not really sure how it translates into English but he quotes this like everyday haha] Sister Young, you should be really worried if we're talking and I stop joking and laughing.
Me: I would be, of course, because the moment you stop you will probably be dead.
Michael: No matter! I have asked my sister to arrange laughing gas to be pumped into the room where my funeral service will be held!

Yes, this is our dear Michael. What a hoot.

Halleluja Deutschland doesn't celebrate Valentine's Day, so there were no weird things associated with that. At our district meeting we convinced our new district leader to let everyone bring candy for each other, and we even decorated our own valentine boxes like in elementary school! It was the best. Then we went to an American member's house and ate all-red food and played with the children! Happy Valentine's Day to me.

Other than that, this week was very very...empty. We walk around a lot and try to go by on old contacts and things, but it's been pretty dry lately. We're trying a new tactic, called "stop trying to make appointments out with people and just teach them right there on the street." Maybe some of you are thinking, "well duh" but that's just not how we've always done it. When people show interest we usually try to make out an appointment with them because if they agree to meet later, they'll make progress much faster. Well, we are sick and tired of the German mentality "I need to dip my toe in the water ALONE without meeting with anyone and I'll see if your website looks nice but even if I'm impressed I won't call you because that's too scary maybe I'll stop by the church in 10 years" barfy crap. So now we just hit the streets with Book of Mormons and stop people and teach lessons right then and there, even though we know that they won't meet with us again. But it doesn't matter! Because now they have their resources: they've felt the Spirit, they have a Book of Mormon, they know why they're reading it. Then whenever they meet missionaries at some other point in their life they'll be more open! Well, that's the plan.

I hope everyone is keeping their pants on and being good people. I love you all.

Sister Young

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