
February 25, 2013

And and and.

This week totally sucked. Like, big time. On Monday we made out like a million appointments by calling through contacts and not. a. single. one. went through. Usually we expect about 10 percent of those appointments to work out, but nope. God has other plans apparently.

BUT we had some major highlights!! And they made the week bearable.

I will title my list: Evidences of the Grace of God (abbreviated as EGG). You're welcome.

EGG #1) So while we were out and about one day trying to convince people to talk to us in the middle of a raging snowstorm, we stopped a man who seemed completely normal, in a German sort of way. Twas not so, we soon found out as he avoided all my direct questions about God by answering with illogical theories about the universe. Then he asked to see my hand, which he read and told me that I will live a long life! But he will die soon, according to his palm. Schade, we tried to help him understand where he's going but he just wanted our card. Also it was hilarious because my companion was totally confused the whole time haha. But hey, it's good to know I have a long life ahead of me!

EGG #2) The Zone Leaders asked me to give a workshop at Zone Conference entitled, "Answering Hard Questions: Polygamy and Women and the Priesthood." Could you have given me a better assignment?!?!?! I think not!!!!!! So for my last and final ZC I fufilled all my feminist dreams by helping the Elders stop being idiots about answering these questions. And because of the million sisters we'll be getting in the mission, they asked us to talk about how to act around/treat sisters. It was glorious, and although I could tell my Zone Leaders were nervous, they thanked me and said they really enjoyed it. And they meant it because they're a little scared of me and if it wasn't true they would have just hid in a bathroom. Ha.

EGG #3) Our one precious investigator came to church!!!! AND he liked it!!!! This was really a miracle for me, because we weren't really sure how far he would progress. Actually during the sacrament I kept thinking, "Oh cheese, if he doesn't come to church how the heck is he going to progress? What do we do?" And then after church I turned around and POOF he was there, sandwiched inbetween all of these other YSA that took care of him and translated for him!! Oh, we were so happy. He had like a million questions for us, which was great. And at the end he turned to my companion and said, "Everyone is trying really really hard to be like Jesus here." Joyous joyous day. I'm so happy our ward is so amazing!!

That is all.

I love you very much!

Sister Young

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