
April 2, 2012

Ello chaps!

I have a British zone leader so I'm trying to work on my amazing English accent.

Anywho, you want to hear the giant news of the week?!?!

I HAVE THE GIFT OF TONGUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen. I've been praying for this for like ever. And I think all of you have too, so thank you. I've spent a lot of time fasting and praying and crying and praying some more, and the most merciful God has granted me my most precious desire - the ability to communicate. I am NOT perfect by any means, but it was crazy. Like night and day. I just woke up one morning and I could understand and talk and teach and make out appointments and do crazy things. And my senior companion was like, "Oh my heavens, your German is UNREAL good." I am SO excited. I finally feel like a missionary!!!

You know what else makes me feel like a missionary? The fact that we had basically all of our appointments fall out. Seriously. Worst week ever as far as numbers go. It was really disheartening. BUT. I had the most amazing experience everrrrrr.

Mmk so I've already told you about the boy who works at the crepe stand, yes? Yes. Anyway, so I took my new companions to his stand, like we usually do every Wednesday, except this time when I started talking to him my companions (for unknown reasons) just stepped back and didn't say ANYTHING. So, I had to talk to him about God all by myself. But WOAH we had the most intense conversation EVER. And then I told him I would come back the next day and bring him the Book of Mormon and that he had no choice, he had to read it. But because I had to go to Leadership Training in Hamburg, I sent our little baby (new missionary) with another newbie to go give him this book with a note from me. And from what she said, the second she starting walking away he sat down to read it!!! AND I gave him Alma 5 to read. I know, I know. BOLD. It will BLOW HIS MIND. I'm very excited.

And yes, I am turning into a missionary. I can't help it. If it makes you feel better, I'm creating a reputation for being the craziest (but most awesome) sister EVER. No worries, Lesa is still in here somewhere.

I love you.

Sister Young

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