
March 25, 2012


I have 2 companions now. But you already know this. Before I get into the nitty gritty, let me tell you about my week.

So Sister Martinz left on Tuesday morning for Leipzig, and soon after I left for Kiel to be with Sister Peltier because she also had no companion. The weird thing about transfers is that we have to go to our new places on Tuesday, but those who are training don't get their new companions until Thursday. So for those awkward 2 days, I waited in Kiel with Sister Peltier until we got our new babies. Did you get how that works? Good. Kiel is awesome. I would love to serve there except it's a bike city and I don't want to be in a bike city. Bikes are exercise, and I'd prefer to walk. On Wednesday night we rode the train to Berlin and stayed there overnight with the other Sisters, where I got to meet the first of my new companions - Sister Risenmay. She's from Texas and she acts like it. It's great. We laugh waaaaaaaaaay too much and way too loud.

The next day we went to Golden Conference (the newbies are called "goldens") where Sister Risenmay and I were assigned Sister Moon as our third companion. She's from Utah. She's awesome. Also at Golden Conference I had a little chat with the President to see what the HECK he was thinking and I basically found out that there's a good chance I'll be left in Hamburg with Sister Moon after Sister Risenmay goes home this transfer. Greeeeeeaaaaat. BUT I have found out very quickly that my prayers (and your prayers, of course) did not go unnoticed because my German has gotten remarkably better. I'm pretty sure that I could handle this at the end of this transfer. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

So. Sister Moon is crazy cool. She talks to like everybody and has no shame about her German. She does doors all by herself and she's willing to try anything we ask her to do. I wish I was more like that 3 days into my mission!!!! And we all balance each other out pretty well. It's great. So fun.

I will tell you the miracle story of the week. So I guess there's some sort of rule here (maybe I already mentioned it...) where we can't talk to people in the bus or U-Bahn or anything about the gospel unless they bring it up first. That's a little tricky because Germans never talk to strangers. ANYWAY. So we were sitting on the bus, Sister Risenmay on one side of the aisle and Sister Moon and I sitting on the other. All of the sudden this guy next to Sister Risenmay just strikes up a conversation after seeing her tag and is like SUPER excited that all we do is talk to people about God all day. And he made out an appointment for himself. So Sister Moon and I see this going down and we're super totally jealous and talking about how cool that would be when this guy GETS UP FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BUS and comes and sits next to us and was like, "Who are you?!?!" and then proceeded to make out an appointment for himself too. Coolest bus ride ever. We were like freaking out for 20 minutes.

I hope all y'alls are living cool lives. Eat a cheese stick for me.

Sister Young

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