
April 23, 2012

Ok ok. Transfer results are in and I have good and bad news. Good news? I'm still in HAMBURG!!!!!!!!!! So this is the start of my 4th transfer here, and by the end of that I will have been here for 6 months. Wowza. Bad news? I'm still in a freaking trio. WHAT THE HECK. It's like God hates me or something. Also it's super weird because I'm now Sister Moon's trainer but I'm also getting a senior companion...?!?!? Don't ask. It's just DUMB. BUT. Best news ever. Frau Bastan-Mehr AND her husband AND her daughter Yalda came to a ward activity!!!!!! So exciting. Yalda is already best friends with everyone there and Frau Bastan-Mehr was holding someone else's baby the whole time hahaha. They're already a part of the ward. At one point we went into a different room and we were able to answer a lot of their questions and it was so great. Her husband said that the second he walked in he felt calm and peaceful, so we explained that was the Spirit and blah blah blah I CAN'T WAIT TILL THEY'RE BAPTIZED. But we're taking baby steps. No worries. And now I get to stay here and work with them more!! Also. So the Hamburg stake had a youth activity last Saturday where they could sign up to follow us around all day and be a missionary. Normally I would think that's super cute, but it happened to be the most stressful thing EVER. We found out about it like 5 days before and it was super confusing. We also found out that some Sisters would be coming from another city to help us out, so we needed to make appointments for FOUR COMPANIONSHIPS on ONE DAY. It was impossible. We made a total of ZERO, in case you were wondering. So basically I spent my Saturday walking around with a 16 year old trying to talk to people. Poor girl. Now she REALLY knows what missionary work is like. OH! And the one time she got the courage to talk to someone on the street it was a Jehovah's Witness. They can be pretty brutal, so she may or may not have been scarred from this experience. Whatevs. Wanna hear something funny? Cool. So there's this Bruder in the ward here who's pretty awesome. His family invites us over all the time and gives us referrals so we like them a lot. ANYWAY. My favorite thing about this Bruder besides his very old sense of humor and his bald head is the fact that when he feels the Spirit, he starts laughing hysterically. Like, he can't stop. Every single time we share a spiritual thought, he just starts laughing. And sometimes you'll look over at him during church and you can see his shoulders bouncing up and down from laughter. His wife says it's uncontrolable in the temple hahahahaha. Isn't that the funniest/coolest thing ever? I think so. Well my beautiful people, I loves yous a lots. Don't forget about me. And I like letters. Lurves. Sister Young

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