
April 16, 2012

Well. First things first.

Tigran was baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay yay yay. Everything is super GUT. And also his mom and brother and a bunch of friends came. Over 100 people! He is so loved. And his mother was super super worried that he was joining a cult but after talking to Sister Risenmay for like a hour she said her heart "feels lighter." And, of course, she's going to check out the church in her hometown!!! Woooooo. Win win win.

Also Frau Bastan-Mehr came to the baptism with Yalda!! They're that family from Iran, if you can't remember. And Yalda's the cutest thing on the planet. And they're coming to a ward activity on Saturday!!! Oh, my heart is beaming with joy.

Also you want to know something else good?! I only cursed 3 times this week. And none of those times was in reference to someone else! I am making progress! Maybe I'll be an angel by the time I come back. Maybe.

Oh yes. And Crepe Boy is doing great, despite the little tiny setback we call WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HIS NAME IS. Oops. BUT it doesn't matter because we've taught him the first lesson and he was eating out of the palm of our hands. Then he kept asking questions that deal with the second lesson, so basically we like to call him a golden investigator. Ha.

Ok and I have the awkward story of the week. Ready? Ready.

So remember how I was getting love texts and stuff from an investigator? Well for our next lesson we set it up so that I was chillin with a member while Sister Risenmay and Sister Moon (it's so handy to be in a trio) taught him. Too bad so sad, he didn't show up. But he called and we set up another appointment for a different day. So again, we planned for me to be at Sofia's home and teach her while my companions went to the appointment. Except this time Sofia wasn't home for an unknown reason and she doesn't have a cell! Bad news. HOWEVER we found TIgran outside who had forgot his keys and had no idea why Sofia wasn't home either! So we invited him to be a joint teach because we were already going to be late. So we're at the church with Tigran waiting for our investigator and then the confusion starts - what the heck do I do? Sister Risenmay was under the impression that because TIgran was there I would come to the lesson too. Sister Moon thought that I was going to hide in the bathroom. I wasn't really thinking. SO. Our investigator shows up and Sister Moon just yells "Get down!!!" and I drop to the floor to hide. The problem? HE SAW ME DROPPING DOWN. So I just pretended I lost an earring and shot back up and ran to "go to the bathroom." And then I stayed in the bathroom for the entire lesson. And then I heard the lesson was horribly awkward because a) I guess he hates the idea of joint teaches and b) he knew I was hiding in the building somewhere. BUT I guess he wants to meet again. And next time I will be 50 miles away. Hopefully.

Oh, to be a sister missionary.

Also, Sister Risenmay and I play chess every single day to keep our minds limber. Watch out, we're getting real gooooood.

I love you all. And I love you all more when you send letters.


Sister Young

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lesa! Loved the awkward story. It makes for a good laugh after the fact but I'm sure to live through it was pretty uncomfortable. I'm sorry for that for and the prospect of there being many to follow. :) Thank you for posting!!
