
April 30, 2012

Welp. I have officially hit my 6 month mark on the mission. Weeeeeird. Also I have a feeling some of you are thinking, "Oh golly gee, that went by fast!" Poo poo on you, it feels like I've been here for an eternity and that I never really did have a life before this. Blah. Also my new companion is Sister Schaerr. She's really nice. And really pretty. Too pretty. I look like a piece of poo in her presence. Sometimes I'm self-conscious. Whatever. Well let me tell you some really awesome things. 1. Tigran got the priesthood yesterday AND passed the sacrament! I am so proud of my little baby. He is the most excited new convert I have ever seen in my life. And he's been bugging us about getting him a picture of Jesus smiling to hang up in his room. I kept telling him that all the pictures of Jesus smiling are kinda creepy but he wouldn't listen. So WHATEVER. 2. Frau Bastan-Mehr and Yalda came to sacrament meeting!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome. Yalda was REALLY upset that they had to leave so her mama promised they would come back next week and stay longer. I love my life. I love them. I am so happy we teach them, even if they're our only investigator. And I'm not exaggerating. They really are the only investigators we have hahaha. 3. Elias came to church!!!!!! He's a less active that is AWESOME and has asked us to help him make major changes in his life. We've been trying to visit him ever since I first got here but now he invites US over and he came to church for reals! I am so happy for him.  So. Wanna hear the stalker story of the week? Yes you do. The other day we were boppin' around, just doin' our thang, and we turned a corner and BAM. A weirdy man is standing in the middle of the street. This is never good news. People like that are just WAITING for someone to latch on to. And, of course, he did. We decided we would just try to walk past him but it didn't work. He immediately started to follow us and talk to us. His name is Axel, and he's from the Netherlands. No idea what he is doing in Germany. He used to be in a rock band. These are the things we learned about him as he followed us. Also he only has one arm and I'm not really sure what happened to the other one. ANYWAY. So he's following us, and Sister Schaerr says that he probably doesn't have a bus pass so we could just get on one and he'll go away. It seemed like a good idea. WRONG. He had one and proceed to follow us across town. We get in the neighborhood of some members so we stop the bus and get off, with him right on our tails. At this point we've already told him to leave us alone and he's not allowed to follow us, but he was so high I'm not sure he really understood what was happening. He's also crazy in the head, so that didn't help. So I call these members, this old dude and his wife that love me a lot and maybe wouldn't mind if I brought a crazy man around, and asked if we could hide from this man in their apartment. YES OF COURSE was the answer, and we started running. And oh yes, Axel started to run after us. Really, he's harmless. He kept asking if he could hang around because he was so lonely, and I did feel bad for the fellow. He was really nice. But you just can't have a crazy following you as you do missionary work! So we ran until we saw good ol' Bruder Wolff walking down the street, coming to pick us up. So we meet him with Axel coming up close behind. I really wish ya'll knew Bruder Wolff. It would make a lot more sense when I tell you that he recited a poem to Axel about this guy who got shot for following women around. Hahahahahahaha. Anyways, long story short, he managed to convince Axel that he is more than welcome to come to church on Sunday but not to follow us around. Then we stayed with the Wolffs until Axel was long gone.  Being a sister missionary is nuts, in case you were wondering. Loves. Sister Young

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