
April 9, 2012

Hello hello.

I have hilarious things to say to you.

First things first, I have officially received my first love letter of the mission. Well, actually, it was a text. BUT IT COUNTS. And it was a LOT of texts that told me all about my beautiful aura and my lovely features and my awesomeness. Duh. It's just too bad he's an investigator. Now we have to go on splits for his lessons so I don't have to be there. And we've devised strategic plans for how I can avoid him when he comes to church. Gah. It's just ANNOYING. I heard it just gets worse. The second I move to the East I'll get proposed to at least 50 times, or so I hear.

Speaking of the "East," Germany is the most divided country ever. People in the west don't like the DDR (doesn't even exist anymore, but that's how people refer to the east), nobody likes Saxon, and everyone loves to make fun of Byron. Ridiculous.

So. For those who are always asking what I do on P-days, the answer is COOL THINGS. I've seen a lot of Hamburg. Things to google that I've visited: Rathaus, St. Petri's Kirche (I paid an euro to walk up to the very tipy top of the steeple = scariest thing EVER), St. Michael's Kirche, Altona, Stadt Park, Planetarium...I think that's about it. Sorry if I spelled the church's names wrong. Oh, and last week we decided to go to a concentration camp and it was INTENSE. It's called Neuengamme, you should wiki that. Crazy. A ton of the biggest camps are in our mission, so I'll keep you posted on all the ones I visit.

Ok cooool story. So we were having a really really hard time finding new investigators and we were really struggling for a while, especially because all our appointments were falling out. WELL. We prayed and fasted and we ended up getting 3 new investigators and now have 4 progressing investigators instead of 2!!! Prayer works. Fasting works. Doing both at the same time is GREAT. Oh, and one of our new investigators just asked before we started our lesson, "So when can I get baptized?" Bahahaha it was crazy.

Speaking of cool things, we were teaching Tigran about missionary work and we read that scripture in D&C 18 about how if you bring souls to Christ then you'll experience great happiness and whatnot. WELL. Tigran just looked down and said, "Well Sister Martinz and Sister Young can be very very happy because they found Sofia and I. I can promise that because they found me, thousands of people will be brought into the church." WOOF. It was like this feeling of...I don't even know...just swept over me. I was just thrilled that these two awesome people changed their lives and were baptized, but it occured to me right then that Tigran will get married and have children who will have children and ALSO Tigran said he wants to serve a mission!!!!! Thousands. Literally thousands will come through him. Buh. I can't wait for his baptism on Sunday!!!

Also. Being in a trio is far too much fun. We laugh waaaaay too much.

People. My darling people of the world. I am going to remind you right now that my birthday is coming up (May 24) and I'm expecting at least a card from every single one of you. And if you want to send me a package I really miss mac and cheese. In case you forgot, my address is:

Sister Lesa Young
Germany Berlin Mission
Zerbster Strasse 42
12209 Berlin

Our Mission President has asked that we have all the packages sent to the mission office, just so you know. But if you want to send a letter directly to my apartment, email me and I'll give you the address.

I love yous.

Sister Young

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