


Listen up.

I have a deep dark secret that has been leaked, so I'm just going to announce it to the whole world right this second. I've been fighting this for awhile, but I am finally [in the process of] humbling myself.

I've had what my some of my lovely friends call a "coming to Jesus" moment. Except my moment was on crack because I've decided to do something crazy.

I'm going to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I wasn't going to tell a lot of people until I got my papers in (which is like a week away), but too many people know now so everyone might as well be on the same page.

Let me answer some frequently asked questions:

#1. I thought you were going to France?!!?!
Yes, I was. I didn't lie about that. Buuuut the tables turned a little bit and I decided to put in my papers instead. Hopefully I'll still be going to France! (keep your fingers crossed)

#2. Where do you want to go?
French-speaking or state side. Or both. Technically my answer should be "wherever the Lord sends me" but who are we kidding...I'm Lesa and I tend to tell what I'm really thinking all the time. Don't worry, God knows it and that's why he's constantly chastising me.

#3. I was pretty sure you stopped going to church...
Alright, this one's kind of embarrassing for me because hardly anyone knew this about me, but it's true that I stopped attending church for a short period of time...about 8 months or so. But it doesn't really matter because I'm back, so mind your own business!

#4. Does this mean you're a republican again?
HECK no. I'm still pro-choice and I love gay people and I want them to get married if they want to. Don't worry, I checked with my bishop and he said I can't get in trouble for having my opinions :)

#5. Why are you giving up 18 months of your life?
Honestly, I don't really know. And I probably won't know until I'm out there. But I can tell you one thing - I honestly believe with all my heart that God asked me to do this, and so that means I'm going to do it. That's all it takes. I don't know all the answers, but I know enough.

Guys, this is really happening. I've got this weird mixture of excitement and nervousness that makes me feel like I'm going to barf every time I think about it. But don't worry, I'll get over it. Hopefully.

ps. I know I used a lot of Mormon lingo in this post, so if my lovely non-LDS friends need some clarification, let me know.


  1. Lesa! This is the best news I've heard all day, I'm so excited for you!

  2. I'm happy for you and excited to see where you go!

  3. YAY!! I'm so happy you decided to do this! You really are going to be such a great missionary.

  4. Wow, Lesa! This is such exciting news!!!! Keep me posted!

  5. Holy cow. I find this fantastic, and I also think that if there is any way you can troop up to Logan this summer, I would be able to get you 50% off your ticket(s) ... and a place to spend the night ... and admittance to an Irish jam sesh. Hey-hey?

  6. I love #5. And one of the happiest moments of this summer was when you said, "Do you really want to know what's going on? Then come in and shut the door."

