
Lesson #54

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.) Meeting my dad.

This is for all those awesome people in my life who have yet to meet my father, most especially the man I perhaps might marry someday.

There are some things you need to know about Daddy. First of all, his name is Timothy but you could probably call him Mr. Young or Brother Young (it's a mormon thing). I don't know of anyone my age or younger that calls him Tim, though I don't think he would get mad at you for it. He's been mistaken as my older brother before, so don't let his good looks and absent gray hairs fool you. He exercises like a madman and puts all of his children to shame on that front. Most of all, his family is the most important thing in the entire world to him - never forget that.

There are several rules you must understand and follow before meeting Daddy.

#1 - He looks scary, but he's harmless. And when I say he looks scary, I just mean that he's really really tall and very buff and he isn't quick to smile (guess where I got that special trait from...!). I promise he wouldn't hurt a fly, so don't act scared around him. You might frighten him away.

#2 - Daddy doesn't really like being around a lot of people, so don't take his shyness or tendency to leave the room a bad sign. He's really getting better at this, so he might surprise you!

#3 - My daddy is probably the funniest person I know, but his hilarious outbursts of humor are sporadic. Don't be completely shocked when you see him dancing to some 90's music or trying to rap. Sometimes during dinner he'll randomly put a napkin on his face and stick his tongue out (it's kind of terrifying) or start singing the "bean song" about tooting. Family dinners are the best, just saying.

#4 - If you don't really know what subject to bring up, stick to things like running, fishing, family, etc. Don't ask about work, he's not a huge fan of it. And NEVER ask him science-related or church questions unless you want him to talk for hours and never stop. That's why I always allowed myself plenty of time for my dad to explain math problems to me in high school - there was no such thing as a short cut or an easy answer.

#5 - I love my daddy more than anything on the planet, and if for some reason he doesn't like you (which has hardly ever happened, trust me) then I won't like you either. Got it? Good.

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy in the world! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you!

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