
Lesson #52

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.) Letters.

So. I was recently reading my most favorite feminist blog and I came across another blog that they referenced. The particular post I was reading was about a new book that's just been published to raise money for Elton John's AIDS Foundation called Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen -Year-Old Self. A ton of celebrities wrote letters to their teenaged selves and you can check some of them out here.

Anyway, I got a really brilliant idea to write my next blog post as a letter to myself. Hopefully the 1.5 teenagers that read this will seriously take my advice, since I am so old and wise.

Dear 16 year-old Lesa,

Hey bum. This is 21 year-old Lesa, and I'm happy to report that you'll at least live to this age. You will survive high school, and you'll be the hottest thing that ever graced an American college campus. Jokes. You're kind of a loser. But you pretty much have the greatest friends in the world so I reeeaaallly wouldn't worry too much about it.

Guess what. Your heart is going to get broken into pieces very soon. You'll also lose some very dear friends and it's going to hurt. But it's going to be ok. Don't become bitter, and please don't get angry. It was for the best. You're amazing and totally worth it, no matter what anyone tells you.

I guess this means you're a junior in high school, which means that you'll be a senior soon. DON'T SLACK OFF, even after you get accepted to college. Seriously. That "I don't care anymore" attitude has REALLY affected your college grades. You'll never shake off that senioritis. Work hard. Kick butt. And apply to an Ivy League school, even though the application fee is $100. You'll totally regret it if you don't.

High school is a butt, but enjoy the friends you have while you have them. They'll never go away necessarily (thanks to facebook), but it will never be the same. College is awesome, and I promise you will love it. It's totally worth getting through high school.

The last thing I really wanted to address was your attitude. You are one mouthy girl and you'll never lose that (trust me), but try to use it less on your parents. They're seriously so spankin' awesome, even though it doesn't always feel like it. And besides, now that I'm 5 years older and supposedly a better person, Mom ALWAYS brings up how horrible I was as a teenager. Can you cut them some slack? I'm trying to be the perfect daughter and my past is haunting me. Just go and give Mom and Dad a hug for me tonight. Then do the dishes. They'll love you forever.

Lies, I have another last thing. I know this is super cheesy and dumb but you gotta learn to love yourself. I wish I had done that sooner.


ps. You look freaking amazing with red hair. Don't be afraid to try it!