
Lesson #57

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.) I'm still alive.

Yo all my peeps and all the sheople. I'm still alive, in case you were wondering. Also, I'm still kicking. Really hard. Just ask the 7 guys I've been living with for the past 48 hours.

Anyway, it's been awhile since I've posted and for that I am crying for you on the inside. I know your lives revolve around my advice and blessing upon your heads.

I've got some fresh advice I just pooped out of my brain (which coincidentally comes out your ear...don't know why.)

Here are the latest do's and do not's.

DO have really awesome friends that rub your back and feed you ice cream when you're sad. It's the best medicine.

DO NOT hike the "Subway" at Zions National Park after having taken a 3 month hiatus from any form of exercise. It's excruciating. Also, I almost died. Like 5 times.

DO wear a tank top and shorts whenever appropriate so as to receive a lovely light tan. I'm complemented everyday on my "skin tone" as if I could buy this color in a store. No people, I earned it.

DO NOT travel 7 hours in a car with someone who drives you insane.

DO take me out for Indian food.

DO NOT make me upset.

Alright. That should tie you over until Harry Potter is over.

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