
Lesson #50

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.) Surprise!

Well guess what. I have officially blessed your life with 50 life lessons. Woot.

Also. For my birthday yesterday (which was amazing, in case you were wondering) I chopped 12 inches of my hair off and dyed it blonde-ish. I did this for several reasons, namely a) I'm going to France and French people don't have long hair / I don't want to dye my hair there, b) it was birthday so I can do whatever I want and c) some guys I know told me never to cut my hair because guys like long hair, so DUH I cut it all off.

So. This was the hair they cut off. Yes, I know I'm a horse. I have enough for two wigs, I'm pretty sure.
When I first got back to the salon I FREAKED out because my hair looked RIDICULOUS. The girl who did my hair decided to make my head into a balloon and my hair was so poofy I had to wear a hood all day. It didn't work, so I ended up showering and fixing my hair.

Now it looks like this.
I look like I'm 2, but whatever. Anyway, it's growing on me. So now you know what I look like so I don't scare you when you see me again.

Also, I highly recommend getting your hair drastically altered when you want to mix up life a little bit.

ps. I forgot to add before/after pics!!!!




  1. oh my goodness!!!! i didn't know your hair was that long!! It looks really good! I like the blonde! can't wait to see you in person!

  2. I can't believe it was that long before you cut it! It looks so good short though. I'm glad it will help you blend in France- we don't want your pony tail screaming "I'm a Yankee!"
