
Lesson #43

Today's Lesson Objectives include:

1.) You don't know what real love is.

I have a lot of pet peeves, but every time someone asks me what they are I can't name more than two. BUT. I thought of one while reading a blog. And this is how it goes:

I really really really HATE it when people are obsessed with something they know nothing about. For example, there are 50 million girls in America right now that have all sorts of jewelry or posters or lamp shades that depict the Eiffel Tower. You don't deserve to wear that sacred symbol! Worse than that, many of these people have rich parents that take them to France where they can spend all their money pretending they're French, when in fact they can't speak a lick of the language and they're obnoxious tourists that French people don't actually like!

Get it through your heads. Liking France and really appreciating it are two different things. You don't get to because you haven't spent three years of your life conjugating verbs in the subjunctive. So there.

Another one that I DESPISE are girls that are obsessed with "vintage" things. First of all girls, you have no idea what that word means. When you say the word "vintage" you are basically describing anything made before the 1990's and after the early 1800's. That's a freaking huge time period, in case you didn't know. Most girls like to pin it to the 1920's through the 60's, but each of those decades are known for different trends and styles in music, dress, and art. So you really can't group them into one word. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I guess a lot of these people feel like they're entitled because they have the money to go to France and buy "vintage" clothes, but you don't understand the true essence so TOO BAD. I win.

2.) Real love is in the form of Asian men.

Ok, sorry about my rant. I had to get that out. And for your cooperation, I will let you in a little secret that I've decided I'm not so ashamed of anymore: I am extremely attracted to Asian men.

I don't know why I've had this secret obsession, but I believe it all started when I first saw Cinderella with Brandy. You know the one I'm talking about? You can't miss it. Brandy (Cinderella) is black and her stepmother is white, yet one of her step-sisters is black and the other one is white. The queen is black and the king is white, and their son is Asian. It's awesome. Anyway, so I find that prince hunky and always have.


So after that I was in love. I distinctly remember watching the 2000 Olympics in Australia and thinking the Japanese gymnasts were soooooo hot. It just went downhill from there.

Now you know my secret. I hope you liked it.


  1. I love love the first part. Completely agree. And I have also always found that prince extremely attractive. I support your love for asian men.

  2. Dear Lesa,
    As I was reading your wonderful blog, I saw the top of the prince's head and I was like-"that's the prince from the Brandy Cinderella!" then I kept reading, and I was right. I just want you to know that my roommate and I have been singing and quoting things from that movie for the past two weeks and finally found someone who has a copy of it... our new roommate. YES! so we watched it. :D anyway... I just want you to know that you are not alone in your love for Asian men... I will share my secret too. I have an awesome picture that I should probably find and show to you.

  3. LESA

    I so totally agree about the vintage thing! Stop calling that style "vintage" when it clearly it's just dressing cute. I understand that there are people out there who really dress in old/inherited clothes and they look awesome. BUT most girls who are calling their style vintage are shopping at anthro and urban outfitters. Clearly not "vintage" in the true meaning of the word. The styles may be inspired by former styles, but they ARE NOT "vintage". Oh I am glad you agree.

  4. hahahahahahahahahaha! you are hilarious. come visit me in new york, it is crawling with asian men. provo...not so much.
