
Lesson #47

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.) BIRTHDAY!!!!

Ok. So today is not my birthday, or even the day after. BUT my birthday IS next Tuesday, the 24th. Don't forget it.

I love love love my birthday. I have a lot of friends that don't understand my obsession, but I think most of them don't come from large families so they don't understand what it's like! Growing up with 4 other siblings and 2 working parents, you don't get a ton of attention unless you're a baby or you've done something wrong. Yet birthdays were magical in the sense that all of the sudden your parents FINALLY recognized you as the best thing on earth for a whole 24 hours, which means that you didn't have to do any chores! Yes, this was the highlight of my birthdays - there is nothing better than watching your siblings do all the chores you were previously assigned to.

Listen. I have some good birthday stories.

May 24th, 1996: My friend Maddie remembers this birthday more than I do, but apparently my mom had a party for me and gave all of us hats that we could decorate however we wanted. She had a table full of fake flowers and silly ribbons and such. I'm sure it was fantastic, I just can't remember any of it. I DO remember Maddie's birthday that year, however, because she had a Barbie cake. Me = so jealous.

May 24th, 2002: My mom took some friends and I to the mall. Every 12 year-old's dream, right? I bought a pocket hairbrush from Icing. I also ate delicious mall food.

May 24th, 2005: My family forgot about my birthday. I got to school and none of my friends remembered it was my birthday. My mom picked me up from school and I was sobbing. THEN she realized what day it was and bought me 3 new pairs of shoes. Score.

May 24th, 2006: I wasn't going to let ANYONE forget, so my bestie Fayrina (her birthday is today! Happy birthday Fay!!!) and I threw a gigantic party and I think 60 people showed up. Win.

May 24th, 2007: Best. Birthday. Ever.
I was sitting in choir class (it was a final day, so classes were much longer) and we were watching a movie to pass the time because that class was a joke. All of the sudden, my brother Brent walked into the room and gave me a pink rose and walked out. Then one of my friends walked in and gave me a rose and walked out. This happened 12 times with 12 different guys, including one dude I had a huge crush on. It was the nicest thing that ever happened to me! Every single girl in that room fell in love with my brother that day, I'm pretty sure.

Anyway, the idea here is that after my 15th birthday I promised myself that would NEVER happen again, so I've been making my birthday a huge deal since then.


Don't forget. May 24th, we will party in honor of my 21 years of life by drinking and gambling.

Just kidding.
But we WILL have a birthday cat present.

ps. If you read this post, you have to comment with either:
a.) your "best birthday ever" story
b.) all the reasons you love me
c.) what you're getting me for my b-day


  1. dude, those are some awesome birthdays. I agree w/ the 4 kids and 2 working parents, but having a summer birthday and my mom being a teacher, at least she remembered. :) haha, i love the 3 pairs of shoes story! I'm trying to think if anything crazy has ever happened to me on my birthday...I'll do something thinking and post it on my birthday, which is ONE MONTH from yours.

  2. Um remember that time I bought you lady gaga tickets and totoro for your birthday? I am offended didn't get a shout out. :) And I also like bdays because I make them last for a whole week.

  3. A) I don't have any super awesome birthday stories like yours because, I had 8 siblings and when my birthday was forgotten, I didn't get 3 pairs of shoes. But I did make sure that nobody forgets my birthday anymore. I start a fb countdown a whole month before! :D
    B) There are way too many reasons why I love you!
    C) I am going with you to Bruno Mars just 6 days after your birthday!!!!!!!!!

  4. May 24th, 2007: You have an angel brother. What the tender!

    Happy early birthday!
