
Lesson #32

Today's Lesson Objectives include:

1.) Feminism.

I have a feeling the majority of the people who actually read my blog have already left this post because of the title. But I have something important to say and y'all are going to sit tight and enjoy the ride.

I know for a fact that most people have no idea what feminism means. They associate it with unattractive lesbian women who burn their bras, don't shave their legs, and hate men. Perhaps some women like this exist out there, but I guarantee the majority of women who call themselves "feminists" in fact do shave their legs, wear skirts, and like men. Many of them even love men.

The fact is, I call myself a feminist because I believe every woman has a right to live the way she chooses with respect and dignity. I believe every woman has political and human rights that need to be upheld by the law. I believe that every woman should be equal to every man. It's all about equality, though I get the feeling people don't see that.

Lately I've been hearing a lot of "women victimize themselves too much" or "women aren't really oppressed - they're just whiny." This may surprise you, but I agree to some extent. Some women exaggerate their circumstances and I don't believe women in developed countries are necessarily "oppressed."

But women are not considered equal anywhere in the world.

Women perform over 2/3 of the world's work and own 10 percent of the world's wealth.

Women in America earn .75 for every dollar a man earns.

2/3 of illiterate adults around the world are women.

1 in 4 women in America will fall victim to sexual violence sometime during their life, and in some countries that rises to 1 in 2 women.

Women are highly underrepresented in decision-making in governments all around the globe.

27 million people are enslaved in human/sex trafficking today, 80 percent of which are women.

These are the universal traits attributed to women's issues. You would be appalled at the circumstances of women in countries such as India, the Congo, or Afghanistan. This is why I'm so passionate about women and their rights. I cannot live in a world where such atrocities occur and I not do or say anything.

This is my official statement to everyone out there who thinks I'm annoying or pushy or outspoken: THANK GOODNESS. If I didn't advertise it so much, would you have ever known how women live in this world?

Please stop making jokes about women and their rights. Please stop using derogatory words that reference women. It's offensive to me and I'm sure it's offensive to all those who have been fighting for centuries for equal opportunities. And please, listen to the women around you. They have opinions and ambitions and dreams that matter. Don't take that for granted.

Oh, and a late Happy International Women's Day to you.

Watch this video:

ps. Speaking of awesome women, check out the pink vigilantes. They've pretty much taken matters into their own hands when it comes to women's rights and being the most amazing people I've ever read about.

Look at them! So fierce and awesome.


  1. Okay Lesa, honestly, the biggest eye opener in this post was learning that you're not a bra-burning, man-hating, arm hair-growing lesbian. What a change in my perception of you.

  2. The DAY of reading this some guy ask me what I was majoring in, and I said i haven't totally decided yet but told him a couple things I was thinking about majoring in and he said "No offense but you're so lucky you're a girl because you get a major in what ever you want." I got pretty upset and told him, "No offense but that actually does offend me." It made me wonder what you would have said :) You go girl
