
January 14, 2013

Well well well.

This week seemed so productive and so good and then we looked at our numbers last night and they SUCKED. Weird how that happens.

BUT it doesn't matter because one of our beloved investigators is getting baptized in a couple of weeks! I think I briefly mentioned Michael once, he was having a little trouble recognizing the Spirit. We had set a date for him at the end of February but after praying about it, we asked him if he was ready to do that sooner and he said YES. And I've never seen him happier! The Spirit was so strong and Michael is just so ready. It was a blessed time.

What's interesting is that after leaving Michael's apartment, which is small and less than fancy and needs a good makeover, we went to visit another investigator who lives in a really nice place with super fancy furniture and smells really good. But the Spirit wasn't there at all. The comparison is so stark. In a clean, well-kept place the Spirit should be able to abide, but the man who occupies it resists it to the point where the Spirit is almost offended. And this man complains in every.single.lesson. that God must not be loving because there are so many poor people in the world who suffer and Africans are so sad and no, he can't even think about praying because prayer accomplishes nothing. People who pray don't change the world, says he. But then you walk into the humble circumstances of Michael, who has been trying his whole life to come closer to the Savior through countless acts of kindness and a warm, friendly character, and you are overcome by a Spirit of love and gratitude and humility and you know that those quiet, simple prayers to God uttered by him everyday have changed his world.

And that's the gospel truth.

You know what else is really cool? Getting one of your favorite investigators to agree to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it after having had resisted it for years and years, despite his wife's pleadings.

Ok ok ok I am done with this cheesy-ness. Well guess what. I visited another castle last week. That was pretty cool, I guess. Aaaaand...I don't think anything else exciting happened. Sorry. But I'll attach pictures!

#1. Bielefeld! Land of dreams!
#2. My comp and I with the coolest family ever!!!


Sister Young

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