
January 21, 2013

Ok the chair I am sitting on right now is broken and I feel like a midget writing on a desk that's sitting almost at my shoulders right now. ANNOYING.

Well I would be lying if I didn't say that I'm not getting a little trunky, especially because IT'S A BLIZZARD OUTSIDE PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO OUTSIDE I CAN'T DO THISSSSSSSSSSSS.

Ok, it's not so bad. It's only that my frozen toes are about to fall off and the 3 pairs of tights with leggings hasn't been keeping my body temperature at a normal level, but nbd I'll live. Oh, and did I mention that we only have 1 serious investigator (but he's great, no worries) and our phone was stolen today? Changed my mind, I think I'm going to die.

But I will tell you some funny stories about my comp. She's hilarious.

Funny story #1
So my comp was still pretty jet-lagged her first couple of weeks here and developed a habit of falling asleep on all the buses or trains we took, which is kein problem. But right as this sleeping thing was supposed to be getting better, it got WORSE. Now the story: so one day we were with this member who likes to read the Book of Mormon with us in English to practice. So I read one verse, he reads it back, my comp reads one verse, he reads it back...so on and so forth. Well I started to notice that my comp was nodding off (I don't blame her, it can be so boring), and so I kicked her awake when it was her turn. So then she goes to read and FALLS ASLEEP WHILE READING. Bahahahaha it was literally like "And it came to paaaaah..." GONE. Oh my heavens I couldn't stop laughing and I kept trying to hide it, but to no avail. No worries thought because I don't think the member even noticed hahaha.

Funny story #2
A couple p-days ago my comp bought a brand new winter coat and less than 4 days later, some part of the zipper broke. We were naturally upset and tried to super glue it on, but that definitely didn't work. So we brought the coat back and they gladly exchanged it for a new one. Well, my comp was so nervous about the zipper breaking again, that she decided to prevent anything from happening by just super gluing the same part as protection. So she comes into the room, beaming, and exclaimed, "Look! I super glued my coat!"
I just looked at her with a blank stare. "You're wearing the coat."
She was so confused, so I had to explain to her that she SUPER GLUED HERSELF INTO HER COAT. hahahahahahaha we both laughed hysterically and then later that day when we were at the church she had to step out of her coat because she couldn't get it undone. Oh heavens, I think I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard.

So basically what I'm trying to say is that at least in these rough mission times my companion and I are finding a thousand ways to laugh and have fun. And that's what it's all about, yeehaw.

I love you all!

Sister Young

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