
January 28, 2013

And so it begins. The final countdown to the end of my mission life.

Well actually, I started that countdown like...about 18 months ago. But now I'm on the home stretch! I'm aware this statement is a little premature, I have like 7 weeks left. I only bring it up because this week totally BLEW and I am just about ready to give up. But not quite.

Because I'm such a huge fan of lists, let's break it up into DAYS OF HORRIBLENESS.

Somebody stole our phone! And if you're not aware of how precious phones are to an area or companionship, let me just say that every contact in the history of the area EVER is in that phone. And it was gone. So luckily our Zone Leaders had an extra phone, not sure how or why but we didn't ask questions. The problem was that we had to spend a chunk of our p-day and the last of my patience traveling to Hannover to pick it up and come home, which was the WORST because all the trains were late due to stupid snow issues! We got home really late and I was GRUMPY.

First of all, a member made us eat burritos with fruit in them. FRUIT. My burrito = corn, bell peppers, lettuce, chicken, bananas. Does that make sense? No. Ok, it wasn't so bad. But still. German tacos are just the weirdest things ever. But anyway, that's not the bad thing. Right after that appointment I expressed to my companion that we needed to go home right that second. Upon our arrival, I rushed to the bathroom only to discover that hey! MY BODY HATES BANANA BURRITOS. So I spent the better part of the night leaning on the toilet seat on the verge of death. I made my companion stay up with me (I just didn't want to be sick all alone, that's the worst) and made her promise that she would get my signature on a legal document that states that I will never have babies because I could never deal with pregnancy morning sickness. Then I slept on the bathroom floor and woke up at noon the next day in my bed...I don't remember how that happened. Then I ate 5 crackers and drank a glass of Coke and went to an appointment because I AM HARDCORE. Thankfully these wonderful members in the ward came over and gave me a blessing - I felt much better after that.

So our investigator Michael that is supposed to be getting baptized this week found out that he has to go to the hospital for some routine checks and might be in there on the day of his baptism! That obviously messed a lot of things up and we're still trying to figure out what is UP. Then later that evening we went out to dinner with this really really really German member who told me all the reasons that my German is horrible and why I'm doing missionary work wrong. Germans love insulting you, I don't know why.

Ok, this day wasn't so bad. We did end up receiving a lot of revelation for how we can help one of our less actives, so that was great! But it was just a long day in a lot of buses.

We went to an investigator's place expecting to have a great lesson and found out that he needs a LOT of time to figure out a LOT of problems and it was just really really overwhelming for us. Poooooooooo. Also it was really hard to get in contact with a lot of people that we were supposed to contact, so it was just all-around rough.

We were supposed to organize a ride for one of our investigators, but it just blew up in our face and I felt like the ward thought we were idiots. I was just grumpy the whole time we were at church. Then our appointment with this really cool girl fell out and we were devestated. After a spontaneous invitation to eat at a member's home, we made our way over to this cool new family from China that we started teaching, but they weren't there. That really broke my heart because a) they're asian and b) THEY'RE ASIAN AND ASIANS ALWAYS CALL TO CANCEL APPOINTMENTS. I just gave up and we went home.

Maybe this week will be better, I DON'T KNOW.

Love you all,
Sister Young

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