
January 7, 2013

Ok ok ok.

So this last week was a blur. On Tuesday I went to Eisenhüttenstadt for a couple days (the Sister serving there was also going to be training and since we don't receive our new companions until Thursday, I went there to be her companion until then) and that was just a heap and a half. Sister Müller is probably one of my best friends here in the mission, and we just had a blast together. On Wednesday night we slept over in Berlin, which means I GOT TO SEE SISTER LARSEN!!!!!!!!!! And I was just so happy. She's doing well and from all the stories I hear, so are my old investigators!!!

On Thursday I picked up my new companion, Sister Fugal. She's from Utah (of course) and she is really really really cool and chill and we get along fabulously. She is just super driven to work really hard and we're excited for the new couple of transfers. Win win win.

Miracles abound here in Bielefeld. Let me list all the ways God loves his children:

#1. On Friday we went to the office of transportation to buy our monthly pass for buses and stuff. The lady was really nice and after she handed us our cards, we left. So we went down to where the Straßenbahns are and because we took so long to take care of other things, we missed our bahn. So while we were waiting for the next one, this lady from the office comes running up to us and told us that she forgot to stamp our pass, which means that they're not valid. It was a miracle that a) we missed our bahn and b) she found us in a busy station!! We were so happy and the poor lady felt so so bad. But ALLES GUTE.

#2. That same day we had an appointment and invited a member to come with us. When we showed up, our investigator wasn't there and we felt really bad for our joint teach. But no worries, we decided to drop by on a new convert that hadn't been to church in a while and nobody could get a hold of him. Well he not only turned out to be home, but he also had a friend over that wasn't a member and we taught a short lesson! It was so great and we were so happy. The next day the new convert came to church for the first time in a couple months and told us his friend wants to meet with us again. YAY!!!!

#3. We found out that one of our investigators is super creepy, which is great because we didn't know if we should drop him or not! Yay for clear answers!

#4. This wonderful, perfect, adorable old woman in the ward invited us over for a spontaneous dinner and she's the best cook in the world. Yay yay yay for her!

#5. This Elder said something incredibly horrible and sexist on the phone last night and I was able to hold back my anger and scold him in a quiet manner! But I'm not sure how long this will still be a miracle because I have to see his face today and I may or may not have spent the whole night dreaming about how I can take my revenge...

Well people, the church is true. It's a great time to be a missionary in Bielefeld, and I can feel the miracles coming. Prepare yourself for something great.

I love you all.

Sister Young

ps. I'm not going to have a lot of time to respond to emails today, sorry!!!

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