
February 4, 2013

Guess what.

I just opened my inbox today and saw 34 emails. You know folks, I feel incredibly loved and appreciated, but please don't get mad at me when I don't immediately write back. I love you, but please don't hate me. I'll see you in like 6 weeks.


This week was blah. But cool, I guess.

Michael passed his baptismal interview and bore his testimony at church yesterday. We are so proud of him! His doing so well and we are excited for his baptism next Sunday. I'm also super selfishly stoked because he's German and I've never had a German baptism before!! Ha.

Also did I already mention that we've started an English class with our Ward Mission Leader (he's from America!)? Well we have. And it's hilarious. We get a different sampling of people every week with different levels of English and we just have a blast trying so desperately to teach them haha. Last week one of our investigators came who has really really good English, so he just talked to our WML about computer things and I think I learned more from that conversation than the investigator did haha.

On Wednesday other missonaries from our district came and helped us do finding for an hour. Apparently the Elders had a hard time, but Sister Fugal and I had a ton of cool conversations and met amazing people and one lady even gave us a hug and thanked us for stopping to talk to her! People have never been so nice, it's just the weirdest thing. Don't tell the Elders, but I think it's because we're Sisters. Shhh...

We also did exchanges this week and I was able to have Sister Curtis come visit me!!! She and I knew each other from the MTC and it was soooooo great talking to her again. We stayed up really late just talking and laughing and seriously we will be best friends forever. And I was so happy that my comp got to go to another city and work with another Sister who's really young on the mission, because she stopped comparing her German to mine and found out that her German is actually good! Tender mercies, I tell you. Exchanges are tender mercies.

But ja....other than that this week was pretty uneventful. Sorry this email is so boring. Maybe I'll be more chipper next week.

Love you all,
Sister Young

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