
July 23, 2012

People of the normal world.

This week I will be celebrating my half mission birthday. This means I have 9 months to go people!!! It seems like forever but if I think of it in missionary transfers it kind of makes me wheeze a little bit. We'll see how it goes.

Funny story. It's called: they sell condoms and pregnancy tests in the vending machines here, right next to the candy and soda pop. WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!?!? Don't worry, I totally got a picture of it.

Also I have seen more Confederate flags flying high here in Germany than I ever have in the United States. Why why whyyyyy these people are totally nuts.

So cool story. We have this investigator from Korea named Yangmin and he is so cool. When we first started to meet with him he was very stubborn about being a philosophist and having a hard time comprehending the word "faith" and what it means to have faith. So ja, we've been meeting with him and breaking down his spiritual walls and things. Slowly but surely, we got him to read in the Book of Mormon, to come to church, and to pray. And at our appointment with him this week he said the most wonderful prayer! He prayed that he could really open his heart and learn more about Jesus Christ because he wants to become a better person and he knows he can do that through Christ. He also read a TON in the Book of Mormon and he is just doing so well! His questions are awesome and he is starting to soften his heart towards the gospel. SO COOL.

One of the other reeeeaaally cool things about a mission is not only seeing these people go through such a change (for the better) but also getting to know them. The more they open up to you about their lives and their families and their hobbies and everything the more you learn how amazingly COOL these people are!! We have an investigator from France named Sika and she is SO COOL, and not only because she's french. She has soooo much faith in God and in Jesus Christ and she is an amazing person, always trying to do the right thing. I have learned so much from her example. Seeeeeeriously, people like Yangmin and Sika totally make a mission feel worth it, if only just to know these people.

Ok ok ok that was a cheesy email but IT HAD TO BE DONE. Now I will go shopping and buy a million bags of Haribo I HAVE AN ADDICTION.

I love you all.

Sister Young

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