
July 2, 2012

Let me just say right now that nobody deserves my email this week because I only received 2 EMAILS today. 2 EMAILS. AND ONE OF THEM WAS FROM ANOTHER MISSIONARY IN MY MISSION.

Maybe I'm crying right now, I don't know.

So I'll just keep this short.

Last P-day we went to the Pergamon museum. You should google it because it's AWESOME. They basically took an entire ancient greek city and transported it to a museum here in Berlin. It was so cool!

Also we totally had a crazy run-in with some Jehovah's Witnesses the other day. It goes a little something like this:

So we were on our way to an appointment when we pass by some JWs buzzing apartments a couple of doors down from where our appointment was. So we keep going and stop this man to talk to him. Right as the JWs come out to buzz the next door, Sister Uhlig says the word "mormon" (referring to the Book of Mormon, of course), and the women started to whisper and stare at us - weird. But whatever, we give this guy our card and keep on going to where our appointment is. So we get let in but let me tell you something - Berlin apartments are CRAZY. There are usually about 3 doors that you can go in that lead to staircases that have about 8 or 10 apartments on this particular staircase. And in order to find the apartment, you need to basically climb all the staircases until you come across the name you need on the door. Was that confusing? YES. So usually Sister Uhlig and I have the worst luck and it's ALWAYS in the last staircase we need to climb. So as we're coming down from the second one, totally out of breath, we see the JWs going up the staircase we need! NEIN!!!! So we put on a brave face and climb the last staircase and BOOM they are right there. And, of course, they gave us a rundown of Jehovah Witness doctrine. They were nice but wouldn't let us go! They tried to give us trick "do you know what the Bible says about this...?" questions and we just weren't having it. So we told them nobody knows when Jesus is coming and then we ran away. It was crazy!

Ok that wasn't a super crazy story or anything, but I can just tell you it's awkward to be dooring the same building as Jehovah's Witnesses at the same time. Except this time they were dooring and we had an appointment :)

I love you all. I would love you more if you emailed me. That is all.


Sister Young

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