
July 30, 2012

Hello hello.

This week was WEIRD.

But something cool. Did you ever see the movie "Valkery" (Walküre auf Deutsch) with Tom Cruise about the dude that worked for Hitler and planned this huge thing to try to kill him? So we totally went to the place where that happened. I stood in Stauffenberg's (his name) office where he planned it all, which is right above where he and the others were shot. There's this memorial for it in the building where it all went down, and then of course outside where they were all lined up and murdered. It was fascinating. Just thought you'd like to know.

Also I have officially succeeded in feminizing my comp. 5 down, 6 billion more to go!! But seriously, I am so proud of her. We were with our mission president while he was giving us a little devotional thing, and he accidently referred to all of us listening as "Elders," to which my companion (before I could say anything) blurted out, "and Sisters!!!!" HA. She told me she would never have noticed/done that before she met me. I WIN. 10 points to Feminism!

So I may or may not have eaten something yesterday that touched the subway station ground (for 2 seconds, totally under the rule). But listen, it was a french pastry thing (from France!!) and I can't let it go to waste just because I was clumsy! So if I get sick this week for any reason, I know why. But if it doesn't kill me then I think I am now building up immunity to at least 50 new diseases.

Nah ja. So this man called us a couple days ago and said he wanted to meet to figure out what we believe. I guess we gave him our card on the street once? I don't know. We were a little hesitant, so we agreed to meet at a cafe thingy on a very busy street. When we got there he asked us to follow him to another place. So we follow him to this arabic hookah smoking lounge thing where he invites us to smoke hookah with him hahaha. No thanks, dude. We're good. But thanks!

That's about it for this week. I hope you are loving your lives.

Sister Young

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