
July 9, 2012

Ooooooooh you are the best family and friends in the world. I forgive you all for not writing last week and I am so so happy about all the love I received! So thank you!

Let me tell you something. It's called: I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE 4TH OF JULY. Like, it didn't even cross my mind that it was the day to celebrate the independance of rich white men in America. I could have spend entire day lamenting about it and I FORGOT. Hate when that happens.

On to new things.

First of all, I have a new mission president! I am not sure why I never wrote about this before, I guess I didn't think it was that important until he actually came and I remembered that OH MY GOSH I HAVE A COMPLETELY NEW MISSION PRESIDENT. But it's ok, he's super cool. President and Sister Kosak are from Cottbus, a city here in (former) East Germany. They have perfect English and they just got back from living in Russia for 7 years so they speak that too. Also at our first zone conference with them they sang this BEAUTIFUL Russian song and it made my heart cry, it was so sad. I think what I love about them the most is that they usually only speak to me in German, even though they know I'm American. I take that as a great compliment, especially because they don't do that for all the missionaries.

Hey hey we had 9 investigators at church yesterday! Wooooooooot!

Can I just explain to you how much I love teaching Asians? It's like the highlight of my life. For reals.

Ok ok so we met this man from Nigeria who says he wants to coordinate efforts with us to teach people about Jesus Christ. No, he's not from our church. But we are totally down because he's AWESOME and has the strongest testimony of Jesus Christ of anyone I have ever met. I love the faith of Africans. It could light your hair on fire it's so powerful.

Also we have appointments to teach 2 Germans this week! Do you realize how significant this is?!?!?! WE WILL BAPTIZE GERMANS. IN GERMANY. Prepare to have your mind blown.

I just ate an entire package of Leibniz chocolate cookies while writing this email. Ich bin dick geworden. Ich weiß nicht.

I love you all. I love Berlin. I love German chocolate.

Sister Young

ps. I have attached some pictures of Berlin. I hope you like them.

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