
June 18, 2012

Oh my goooooooooooooooosh.

The Young Family European Mission tradition continues. If I may quote Babe, "That'll do pig, that'll do."

Listen. So many funny things happened to me this week and I forgot my planner to remind me of these things. So I'm sorry, maybe they'll come back.

First things first. BERLIN IS THE COOLEST CITY EVER. Ok, I said it. Now don't be too worried, I would still say I prefer Paris. And Hamburg is very near and dear to my heart. And Berlin is pleasantly awesome. It's so old and cool looking and just jam-packed with history, and the places that aren't old or super historical are covered in crazy art! Seriously, this city has found a way into my heart.

BUT. The people here are a lot ruder than in Hamburg. Don't know why. Talking to people on the street is a lot different. Have I already mentioned this before? Probably. Just so you know, it's still true.

Another complaint. This is my first day in Berlin without a coat. IT IS JUNE. I WEAR COATS. The weather is ridiculous.

Not another complaint. I got asked out again! Bahahahaha BERLIN IS FULL OF NUTSIES. This time these 2 really nice young dudes came up to Sister Uhlig and I and asked if we wanted to get something to eat. We told them we can't, we're with a church and blah blah blah. But then they started asking all these questions about God and it was cool. They were super nice! Sister Uhlig was still in shock after the fact but I feel like a pro. Ha.

Other funny story. Just a couple hours before we were asked out by those lovely young men, some crazy drunk men asked me if I would like to have sex! I declined, much to their dismay. I told them I was a nun and I don't want to have sex with them. Then they left after Sister Uhlig told them we're in love with Jesus baahaha.

Also. Crazy thing about Berlin. There are remnants of the wall all over the place, and where it isn't standing anymore there's a line that indicates where it was. The wall ran through a ton of the places where we spend most of our days, and a lot of times you can tell that the wall went right down the street because one side looks completely different than the other. It's crazy to think that it wasn't so long ago, and now I'm walking right down the middle of these streets where the wall stood! Also you can totally tell the difference among the older people if they grew up in the east or not. They have a completely different mindset, especially when it comes to religion. Weird weird weird.

The work is great. We had some investigators tschüss (not want to meet) us this week, which always sucks, but we're going strong and not giving up! We even had a lesson yesterday with an awesome Korean man and he told us that at the beginning of our lesson he had every intention of not meeting with us again but after we bore our testimonies he would give it some more time. Go go go go go. We will win because God wants us to.

I love you all. Don't forget about me. Pray for world peace. The end.

Sister Young

ps. You should all go to the mission blog because there is a very good picture of me up. Ha.

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