
June 4, 2012

This week was transfer calls. I will tell you the results!...later.

First things first, I have a million things to say that happened this week. And I will make a list because I really really like lists.

1.) I have taken Brent's advice and started to make a list in my journal of all the different countries in the world that I have met people from here on my mission. So far I have over 50 countries and counting! So if you thought that I'm serving my mission in Germany, think again. It's basically the Middle East and Africa hahaha.

2.) I am addicted to Tic Tacs. I don't know why, but every week without fail I buy the biggest package of them available. IT'S WEIRD.

3.) I GOT TO SEE HEIDI AND ANDREW!!!!!!!!!!! And in case you were wondering, I really did make them do missionary work. You can ask them. We visited old people and talked to weirdies on the street. And we also ate a döner but I WAS HUNGRY STOP JUDGING ME. Anyway. It was soooooooo good to see them!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

4.) We have met a new man named Vincent (pronounced Frenchy, so minus the "t," and yes he's German) and he is really chic and awesome and we have an appointment with him today. Best part? HE'S A PERSONAL SHOPPER. Best appointments ever? Yes.

5.) There is an African in our ward that is always trying to pinch our noses. Why, you might ask? "I really like white women's noses. I can't help but touch them!" Bahahahaha WEIRDO.

6.) In case you were wondering, King Benjamin was a socialist. Read Mosiah 4. LOVE IT. JOIN US.

7.) So every Saturday we invite investigators to play soccer and it's awesome. WELL. Last Saturday one of the Elders fell down and scraped his knee pretty bad. Naturally, I pulled out my pads and slapped one on his knee and Sister Moon taped it around his leg. Resourceful? YES. He was only a little embarrassed, don't worry.

8.) This lady in our ward had a birthday party in the church and invited like a million nonmembers so we had to go. LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS. Best part ever? It was a laugh yoga party. It was HILARIOUS. I can't even describe it, please youtube it or something. I almost peed my pants it was the funniest thing ever.

9.) Last night we were over at my favorite members' house and the dad told us to try this "grapejuice" that was called Chardonnay and smelled like alcohol. We took a sip and we're pretty sure it is just grapejuice, but it tasted bitter and weird!!!!!! So we made fun of him the rest of the night. Then I got really weird so we went home. Oops.

10.) Ok. Transfer call results.

This is bad.

I'm freaking out.

What do I do?

I don't know.






Like, the very most central part. Right smack dab in the middle of the biggest city in Germany. I'M GOING TO DIE.

And in case you were wondering, I cried like a baby at church when I had to say goodbye to everyone. It was awful. And saying goodbye to Yalda and her mom was the worst thing ever, I totally lost it at our appointment. I HATE TRANSFERS.

My new area is called Tiergarten (Animal Garden) and it really is the very middle of Berlin. It's half the former East and half the West. Apparently there are a million people always everywhere you look and our area is very very small. BUT I'm sure it's great and whatever. I'm just having a hard time letting go.

Pray for me. Don't forget about me. And if anyone else wants to fly to Germany and "run into me" it's probably ridiculously possible because I'm right in the touristy part of Berlin. Just a thought.

I love you all!!!!!!!

Sister Young

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