
June 11, 2012

Hi hi hi.

I am right this very second in the heart of the biggest city in Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREAKING OUT.

Listen. There are so many people here. Everyday. Everywhere. Speaking every language possible. I still can't believe how many Americans we run into in a day. It's WEIRD. But there are a ton of Asians so I am officially pleased with my new area.

Also if you're cultured at all you would know that the Euro Cup for soccer is going down right now in the neighboring country of Poland and everyone is going PHYSCHO. German flags everywhere and crazy drunk people waving them in your face. Also maybe they have public viewings of the games and maaaaaaybe we go in a weird way to get to our appointments and pass by these giant screens. Maybe.

So let me just tell you that we have set 4 new baptismal dates this week which puts us at 7 people on date. We have 11 progressing investigators and basically I'm just trying to say that missionary work is a lot different here in Berlin. It's awesome. Also we teach 2 people from France and one from Mali (french-speaking country in Africa) soooooooo hopefully I'll get my frenchy vibe on soon and win win win.

Oh. I should probably tell you that I have a new companion! Duh. Her name is Sister Uhlig and (praise to God above) she's from Germany! We have a lot of fun together so I already know this transfer is gonna be good. Also she's going home very soon so I'll probably be with her to the end. Yay!

Mmk mmk. Funny story of the week.

So Sister Uhlig and I are coming out of the subway station when this dude (maybe around 25 or something) approaches me at the bottom of the stairs. Sister Uhlig doesn't see this so she just keeps going up the stairs and LEAVES ME ALONE. Anyways. So this guy taps my shoulder and asks if he can speak to me for a minute. And this is the conversation:
Dude: "I know this is a little weird, but I've seen you several times today and I just wanted to tell you that I find you very attractive."
Me: "Uhhhhhh..."
Dude: *holds out his hand* "My name's Markus."
---It occurs to me right at this second that this is a PERFECT opportunity to snap out of my shock and use my status as a NUN to get out of this situation---
Me: "I'm Sister Young!"
Dude: "...what?"
Me: "My name is Sister Young and I come from a church!"
Me: "Yes of course! Are you?!"

And then! He was gone. Bahahahahaha poor guy. He really was nice. Props to him for finding the courage to talk to a stranger, even if he did just want to get in my pants.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!!!! Love you to pieces.

Sister Young

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