
March 5, 2012

Hello my lovelies.

I have pretty much nothing to say. Actually I do but I forgot them all. This is how it works - when something happens, I have to write it down right that second. If I don't, I can't remember anything. ANYTHING. So here I am sitting in front of the computer drawing a blank because everyday is the same in my mind and so I can't even remember what happened yesterday let alone a week ago.

Problem solved - looking at the comp's planner. Check.

Funny story. So one time we were on a bus and this cute little Asian couple was staring at us for a long time. They leaned over to someone and asked about us (we assume this because they were pointing at us whilst in conversation) and we were so confused because they don't like familiar at all. We really wanted to talk to them but there was like a million people inbetween us and we couldn't get to them in time. They got off at a couple stops before ours, and the lady turned around and waved at us with this gigantic smile on her face. So naturally we wrote the stop down and the direction they were walking. A couple of days later we devoted time in our planner to "Asian finding" and did doors for like 2 hours in the general vicinity of where we saw them walking, particularly picking out apartments with Asian sounding names. Morally acceptable? I'm not really sure. But we plan on knocking every Asian door in that area until we find them. So sue me.

Also. We had tausch this week (exchanges) and I got to be with Sister Peltier in Langenhorn, which was frightening because I was in charge of EVERYTHING, including the teaching. So yes, I basically taught a lesson by myself and it was awful. But it was Sofia and she's super great so I don't think she minded.

Can I also just add that the most recent picture of me on the mission blog is not an accurate depiction of what I really look like?? Because I promise I'm not that chubby. It's just a terrible picture. K thanks.

Let me tell you that this week was basically a week of crap. A big pile of it. Terrible numbers, terrible experiences, terrible everything. We had companionship inventory from HELL and it basically made me want to die. I thought I would die. I'm never getting married, and if I'm forced to I'm never talking about my feelings. EVER. And yes, this is what I've learned from my mission so far: never get married, never have children. CHEESE.

I just really miss reading. We have an encyclopedia in our apartment and it's a really good thing it's all in German or I would read the whole thing during personal study. I literally read the dictionary just so I have something DIFFERENT. Gah.

Yes yes, I'm a complainer. But I will tell you something cool. Today we went to the Planetarium here and it was pretty sweet. We also walked around pretty parks and ate pizza. Hamburg is such a beautiful city. I wish I had more time to see it. Langenhorn is really really ugly, so we try to spend all our p-days in downtown Hamburg.

Speaking of going into Hamburg, I have no time to write people emails this week. Sorry sorry sorry. I will get to you, DON'T WORRY.

I love you. I miss you. And I would like everyone who has served a mission to send me one sentence of advice of how you coped with all this RIDICULOUSNESS. Please and thank you.


Sister Young

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