
Hello peoples of the world.

As a follow up from last week, I am no longer a depressed little monkey. Do not worry, darlings. All is well, all is well.

So I'm guessing you'd like to know what the heck I've been doing this week, eh?

Well I will tell you that I did doors for the first time by myself! Let me rephrase that - my companion was with me while I talked to people at their doors! Normally I don't say anything. And normally we don't do doors. But we were bored one day and so we went to a poor-looking place (poor people are more likely to talk to us, it's just a fact) to talk to people. At one door this teenage boy answered and said he wasn't interested but his friend had some questions. So he calls back to a friend who came to the door and started to ask us about Adam and Eve. He also asked if we were virgins, which totally threw me off, but he was legitimately interested in why we don't have sex before marriage. Weirdest conversation I've ever had with a stranger in their doorway, let me tell you.

Mmk. Good news for all my fellow "30 Rock" fans. I had dinner with Frank. And it wasn't just any dinner - it was a Chinese buffet. And the whole time he was talking during dinner all I could think was, "Oh my gosh, I'M WITH NASTY FRANK FROM 30 ROCK. And we're eating Chinese food. And this is the greatest thing ever." Be jealous, my friends. Not just anyone could find the only Frank-lookalike in all of Deutschland. Only lucky people like ME.

Also. There is this delicious-looking crepe stand that we pass by all the time by our church and I FINALLY convinced Sister Martinz to get some. So we go over there and while waiting for our crepes have a nice little chat with the crepe boy working there. He smartly figures out that I am obsessed with crepes and gives me a little punch card for frequent buyers...you know, buy 10 get one free or whatever. So for some reason I said, "Thanks! And here's our card. You're welcome to come to our church services that are held every Sunday." I've never done that before, trying to spark a gospel conversation with someone who's working, I mean. EVER. But it totally WORKED and we had the most interesting conversation about God and he's totally golden. We just have to get him to church haha. But we're WORKING ON IT. And I'll buy a million crepes if I have to.

Ok, ok. I suppose I should talk about the most glorious part of the mission so far: THE BAPTISM OF SOFIA. Aaaaaaaaaaaah. It was awesome.

The baptism was right after church, so I took her into the dressing room right away and helped her put her lovely dress on. We took some pictures then led her into the chapel where we had a lovely talk from my favorite sister in the ward. Then Sister Martinz and I read the story of Jesus getting baptized from the Bible in Armenian, much to Sofia's delight. She was glowing, no joke. Then we expressed how excited we were that she was committing to follow Jesus Christ and we started crying. Of course. Then we led Sofia to the font where our bishop baptized her. Again, so many many tears. And Sofia just had this perma-smile the whole time! She literally had a halo, I'm pretty sure. The ward welcomed her and then we went with Sofia to her place to have a feast. It was so so so great.

Sometimes (a lot of times) I find myself complaining and getting down on myself and wishing I could have my old life back. Then I think of how freaking lucky I've been to find, teach, and baptize someone as amazing as Sofia. I can be so STUPID. I hope everyone gets to experience something as miraculous as seeing someone go through that process of committing to follow Christ. Aaaaaaah man. I cannot express it in words.

Y'all are great. I love ya and I'm sorry I'm really really bad at writing back. I hope you all forgive me.

Peace and blessings.

Sister Young

ps. Did I tell you that Tigran decided to get baptized on April 11th? I'm sorry if I forgot to mention that. Oops.

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