

Bad news bears.

Transfer call on Saturday. Results are not good.Well ok, I'm staying in Hamburg and THAT is good. But my companion is leaving. And I don't want her to leave. But even worse news.

I'm getting a new companion who's serving in Berlin right now. She's from Texas. Also this is her last transfer.

Doesn't sound so bad, right?


I'M GETTING A SECOND COMPANION. Oh yes, we'll be a cute little trio. Even worse than that? Could it get any worse?!

Yes. SHE'S A NEWBIE. A brand spankin' new baby (probably from America). Death to me. Do you know what this means?!?! It means that I am half-training IN MY THIRD TRANSFER and I'll probably have to finish training her after the other one goes home!!!!!!!!!!

I've cried and cried and had anxiety up the wazoo and I maybe threw up 5 times. That's a lie but I am freaking out. Now I'm in charge of EVERYTHING here and maybe I'll die. I don't know.


Ok. Moving on. Some people have asked me about the style and fashion awesomeness that Germany's supposed to have because they're part of Europe. I don't really know what people dress like in other cities, but here in Hamburg I'm happy to report that about 70 percent of all the girls here look like Snooky impersonators (if you don't know who she us don't even bother googling her - it'll burn your eyes) and 100 percent of the boys like to think they're Eminem, so they sport pierced ears baggy pants and walk with a swagger. It makes me want to barf.

Also EVERYONE here has a reeaaally stupid image of America. Ok, I'm not the biggest fan of America either, but COME ONE. Everyday people ask me if I only eat fast food in America. Also we never move, only watch TV. One thing that everyone LOVES to talk about are gangs, and they are thoroughly convinced gangs consist of about 90 percent of the America public and we drive around shooting each other. Seriously, I've heard that like 20 times. It's funny how they talk about America as if it was this crazy jungle land that no one can survive in. Weird.

I'm happy to report that Tigran has been doing a LOT of missionary work. Seriously. He talks to EVERYONE about the Book of Mormon. He even got one from us to give to a man he met on the U-Bahn (the subway). He's so great. Missionary work, in my opinion, is the number one indicator of someone's testimony and commitment to the church. They just love it so much that they want to share it with everyone! And he does.

Are you ready for the best story of the week?!

So yesterday I was sitting in church and I was feeling pretty sad because everyone was coming up to Sister Martinz and saying goodbye and it just kind of hit me - no one in this ward even knows who I am. They loooooove Sister Martinz because she's so friendly and nice and loves to talk and CAN talk. No one will even notice when I'm gone. So I was pondering this thought when a girl from the ward who's about 12 came up and sat next to me. She really really loves me and I'm not sure why. She also speaks really good English and likes to practice with me. So she asked me why I looked sad and I told her. Then she looked really stern and said, "Well I like you! And I feel really good when you smile. Every time you smile I feel like everything is going to be alright." It was the cutest thing ever. I'll never forget that wonderful message that God sent to me through this little girl right when I needed it. Miracle #50923840928.

Well my darlings. Pray for me and my 2 new companions. Pray that I won't freak out. And, as usual, I pray for you.


Sister Young

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