
February 6, 2012

Hello world.

It's cold here in Hamburg. -9 degrees C and my toes have almost frozen off. Hopefully Spring comes soon.

Good news! We have 2 more baptismal dates. And we're so excited, because one of them is Sofia!!!! She's awesome. She's already read half the Book of Mormon. And she always tells us she believes in God and Jesus Christ 150% hahaha.

The other baptismal date is Tigran, the son of one of Sofia's friends. He stays with Sofia often and for the last week and a half or so he's been coming to lessons with Sofia and became really interested. He's got some...interesting ideas. BUT he's been so open and absolutely loved Institute and he's changed so much. It's been amazing to watch this transformation.

Bahahaha funny story. So we were over at Sofia's place last week teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and getting ready to ask her to be baptized. I wasn't feeling well earlier so we were hoping to get through the lesson quickly, but we brought a member and she looooooves talking. Which is great! When I'm not sick. Anyway, so I was trying not to die and then it hit me. I HAVE TO POOP. Like so bad. And I was having terrible cramps and I was 90% sure I would poop my pants if I didn't run to a bathroom. I couldn't really decided which was worse - interrupt a spiritual lesson about baptism to clog her toilet or just to poop right there on her couch. So I'm poking my companion and silently pleading with her to PLEASE end this lesson, but it just wasn't working. The member was talking and Tigran was asking questions and I was sweating bullets. So right as my companion was going to ask her to be baptized, I burst and asked Sofia if I could go to the bathroom. Hahahaha ooooooh the Spirit was gone. BUT through a MIRACLE I made it short, got back out there, and ended up committing them both to baptism. Win.

Let me tell you something else. My body is so rockin here out on the mish. I can't even hold it in, I just have to brag about it. And it's great because our morning exercise time consists of us dragging ourselves out of bed to the other room where we lay on the floor and occassionally lift our legs in the air. Ha. Jokes. But literally, we hardly move. So I just lay there and do sit ups for a half hour and now I have abs of STEAL. And then I do planks and other yoga stuff for like a minute and the rest of our exercise comes from walking around all day. It's great, especially because I'm a stress eater and so I eat a LOT here.

I had my first "tausch" (exchange) last week and I went up to Rostock. Exchanges are the weirdest things ever, especially here because I ended up just being on a train longer than I actually did missionary work for those 24 hours. But the sister I was with was pretty cool and Rostock looks awesome from what little I saw of it. You should google map it or something.

Well, I've officially started my 2nd transfer. Don't know how I made it this far.

I love you all.

Sister Young

1 comment:

  1. I love you, too! I sent the music. But I'm sure it went to the wrong address. Good job getting to the toilet. Big problems if you don't! Love, Sister Dunn.
