
February 13, 2012

Hello, Hello.

This week has been an eventful one. I ate my first döner, which is a tragedy to all those who have become acquainted with this Turkish delicacy since it took me until my 7th week here to do it. Aaaaaand...that's about it. Maybe my week wasn't too eventful.

Jooooooookes. Good news for you. Sofia is perfect. Like, so perfect. We were talking about the importance of baptism with her and repenting even before we're baptized, and she confessed that when she was 7 she stole her dad's pen and she felt really bad about it. Hahahaha I just love her. Also randomly in the lesson she asked, "Do you drink?" We explained that we don't, not even a little bit on holidays or whatever (she asked about that, too). After pausing for a second she said, "Then I won't either." IT WAS SO AWESOME.

Even better? Tigran stopped smoking without us even asking him to!!!!!!! THIS is what happens when people read the Book of Mormon and resolve to live better. It changed lives, people.

I also had the wonderful privilege of contacting a less active woman who hadn't been to church in over 20 years. She was amazing. And her husband is hilarious. We thought we were just coming over to share a message and talk about coming back to church or whatever but they actually made it a really big occasion and had their daughter and his fiance over for a nice dinner! It was a lovely surprise. And we had soooooo much fun. That family is amazing. At the end of the evening her husband asked us how we came to know our church was true. My companion and I (the best I could) bore testimony and the Spirit was so powerful. It was by far the best night of my mission.

So. Can I tell you something about Germans? They really really really love fruit. And cucumbers. I've partaken of both at every single meal here with the members. But I'm telling you, they REALLY love fruit. The other day a member made us broccoli and cheese soup and she put pineapples in it. Then we had fruit for dessert. We ALWAYS have fruit for dessert. Weirdest thing ever? YES. Germans also really really love obscure church hymns that Americans never knew existed. I've probably sang 2 hymns I recognize in church since I've been here. I have no idea what's up with that.

You know what I realized this week? Something crazy stupid.

Before and after your mission, people think you are so great for going on one. After your mission people especially think you are so cool and know everything about the gospel and whatever. Bascially, RM's are awesome and respected. It's a great feeling, I'm sure.

But on your mission? YOU'RE AN IDIOT. And people have no hesitation to tell you that you are. It's like I'm going to spend the next 15 months feeling like the scum of the earth, and then I'll return to praise and honor. What's up with that? Seriously. You feel so stupid sometimes, and people love to make you feel that way. So WEIRD.

Well my princes and princesses, I love your guts. Be cool, stay in school, and don't do drugs.


Sister Young.

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