
February 20, 2012

Guten Morgen, meine Lieblings.

So. I'm going to start this off right by talking about the best missionary experience ever ever ever.

We decided to have another lesson last week with Sofia and Tigran about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and the importance of knowing everything we're saying is true and praying about it and whatnot. We're getting into the final weeks before their baptism where we have to prepare them to REALLY commit their lives with tithing and Word of Wisdom stuff and whatever. So they need to know it's true and we need to know that they know. Was that a confusing sentence? You're welcome.

So we're starting to briefly go over apostacies and prophets and stuff and Sofia says, "I already know about all of this!" and then proceed to finish explaining EVERYTHING. Hahaha it was awesome. So we popped in the "Restoration" film and when it got to the part showing the First Vision Sofia put her hand up like she wanted to touch the screen and whispered, "Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ" in the most tender manner. After the film we explained that they need to pray about Joseph Smith. If he's a prophet, then the Book of Mormon is true. And if the Book of Mormon is true, everything else is true too. Sofia immediately threw her hands up in the air and said, "Ich glaube alles!" hahahaha. Tigran, in a really sincere voice, said that ever since he started to read the Book of Mormon he's been so much happier and he can feel his faith building in God and Jesus Christ. He started to relate a scripture that he had read about Nephi to his life and said that he's learned so much from this book. He said he doesn't even need to ask God - he knows it has to be true.

Well, basically moments like these erase all the times you were crumpled up in a heap on the floor begging God to tell the Mission President to call you and say you can go home. Or all the times people laughed at you in your face. Or all the times you made a fool of yourself with your ridiculous German. Or all the times you were convinced that your existence as a missionary was pointless. Moments like these make you want to explode into a tiny million pieces with the love that you feel for these people on God's behalf. They make you want to be a better person and they make you want to work so hard the next 14 months of your mission so that you can find more Tigrans and Sofias. Moments like these make a mission worth it.

Ok, ok. Enough cheesy crap. I'm annoying myself. Another awesome thing is that we now have the "ins" with a woman named Agartha. Have I talked about her before? Maybe not. She's from Ghana and has like the worst life ever. She showed up in church one day and has come most Sundays since. She refused to meet with the missionaries and no one could break this iceberg around her heart. And then I came. HA. We somehow found her address and just showed up at her apartment. At first she hated it. But then she loved it. And now she actually invites us over and loves it when we come! And I love speaking English, so it's a win-win. She's crazy, but I love her and we're very excited to be able to teach her now.

Yesterday my companion and I had to teach Relief Society and I about peed my pants I was so nervous. But literally it was like I opened my mouth and words just started coming out and they were actually grammatically correct. It was super weird. BUT the lesson was good and anything I said to ruin the lesson was saved by my companion, as usual.

You should all pray that I have the gift of tongues everyday instead of just occassionally. K thanks.

I love you all. Like, a lot. I'm always bragging about my family and friends and I'm sure everyone is sick of it. But at least everyone knows I'm super loved. And I love you all too.

Have a lovely woche. Peace and blessings.

Sister Young

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