
January 30, 2012

People of the world. 

I would like you to know that missionary work can be so FREAKING hard. People say that and you have no idea what it really means because no one can seem to put it into words, but I will do it for you. 

I will use this past week as an example. The week before last, we had amazing numbers. Stupendous, in fact. We were rocking it and all the other missionaries in Hamburg were super jealous. And then. Of course. EVERYTHING FELL APART. We had like 5 lessons planned on Tuesday and not a SINGLE ONE worked out. More than half of our investigators have dropped off the face of the planet and now we're borderline stalking some to see if we can finally get a hold of them! We weren't able to get as many appointments with new people as we would have liked, and every appointment we made with people the week prior fell out. It's ridiculous, truly. Also it's FREEZING and the cold wind blows up my skirt all day. CHEESE.

But I will tell you some good things.

Firstly, we have an investigator that makes my heart smile. Sofia, she is called. I'm not sure why that last sentence was written so strangely but we're going to roll with it. She's amazing. And I love her. Also she brought a friend to church on Sunday so we will baptize the both of them, of course.

Speaking of church, let me tell you about a lady named Schwester Timm. HILARIOUS. She is super crazy and a little loopy and I love her. She always shows up to church with the strangest combination of clothes and colors. Her hair is always sticking up and crazy. When she walks into a room EVERYONE knows because she loves to let them know. Her husband is waaaaaay older than her and when they sit together in church she rubs his head very awkwardly hahaha. Also, she told us the best story ever: So she and her husband are very very VERY wealthy. And one day, for a reason I'm not quite sure about, she had to transport like 10,000 euros in cash somewhere. She wanted it to be safe so naturally, she shoved it all down her pants. Well on the way to delivering this money she decided she needed to go to the bathroom. Forgetting she had 10,000 euros shoved in her underwear, she pulled down her pants to go to the bathroom and the money went EVERYWHERE, so she had to run around trying to pick it all up. Hahahahaha if only you knew her. It would be even more hilarious. And the way she told the story! Oh heavens. Meeting her as been the highlight of my mission. Don't worry, I'll get a picture with her.

So I had my first zone conference this week, which is where all the missionaries in the Hamburg area get together with the mission president and his wife and we have workshops and stuff. As a new missionary, they made me give my testimony in German. Worst thing ever, of course. But the Mission president came up to me afterwards and told me how incredibly proud he is of my German and that my "aussprache" (pronunciation) is amazing. Then this missionary from Southern Germany came up to me and asked me where I was from because there is no way an American would speak German like that. And then 5 other members at church told me the same thing! So yes, my head is getting big about it. But don't worry, the fact that I still can't actually say anything in German humbles me quite a bit. 

Also all the Africans here love me because I told them that I want to work in Africa someday. They make us African food and save all the spicey food for me because I already "have Africa in my blood" and I can handle it, but Sister Martinz isn't allowed. Haha oooooooh I can't wait to live there.

Well my lovelies, I hope you're living wonderful lives. Send me pictures and love. 


Sister Young 

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