
Lesson #20

Today's Lesson Objective includes:

1.)Dying your hair.

I've been dying my hair since I was 16. Actually, that would be a lie if you consider the occasional highlights I would get before the age of 16. In any case, dying my hair is one of my favorite things to do even if it means my hair will fall out by the time I'm 30.

Let's go through my many transformations:

Age 16, right before the big change.

It's kinda hard to tell, but my natural color is dirty blonde. And no, I do not dye my eyebrows.

Age 16

I'm quite aware that I am not 16 in this picture, but this was the color of my hair when I first dyed it. My boyfriend had recently broken up with me, and part of my coping therapy was dying my hair. It was Hannah's idea and my mom cried when she saw me the next day. She really liked my blonde hair and I have no idea why.

Age 17-19

I decided to go blonde-ish again, mostly because I was super lazy and didn't want to have to deal with dying it all the time. Half way through my freshman year of college I decided to go a little darker again. But then...

Age 19-present

BAM! I decided to go red. I had no idea if I could pull it off but I was super bored.

I guess the reason I'm even bothering with this post is because recently a boy commented that he isn't attracted to girls that dye their hair because he likes girls who appreciate what God has already given them.

...I have something I'd like to say to you, boywhomustnotbenamed.

Firstly, I hate to bring it up, but you were attracted to me before you found out I've been dying my hair for quite some time. You know why? BECAUSE I LOOK FREAKING GOOD. Secondly, I would LOVE for you to find a girl in America who has never dyed her hair, never plans on dying her hair, or has never considered it. This includes ANY sort of coloring - according to you, it's unnatural and not a good quality for a woman to have. Thirdly, what is so wrong with a girl wanting to feel beautiful? If I feel more confident and sexy walking out my door with brown hair as opposed to blonde, gosh darn it I'm going to do it!

Last but not least, change is the best therapy. Or at least welcomed change. I think guys underestimate what a new outfit or a new haircut or new makeup does for a girl's self-esteem.

To be honest, I don't know why I'm doing this post because I don't have to freaking explain myself to this loser.

SO, the lessons to be learned are:
a. Love yourself.
b. If you have never dyed your hair, I highly suggest trying it.
c. Boys who wouldn't date you because of your hair are not worth your time.

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