

I guess my life lessons will be postponed for a bit while I use this blog to update everyone about my life in Haiti...which will be full of life lessons. Don't you worry.

I can't believe I'm actually here! And goodness gracious it is sooooooo hot. So hot. And humid. I am slowly being melted. But I absolutely love it. A few things so far:
1. I'm trying to take as many pictures as possible, but it's kind of difficult. It's really offensive to take pictures of people I don't know - very degrading. I'm trying to make lots of friends so that next week I can take pictures with them!
2. All the men here are in love with me. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I speak french. Most white people here don't speak any french or creole and I think it's really frustrating for them. Which reminds me! I do a lot of translating, but I really wish I knew creole. It's more widely spoken and I think it would mean a lot to them.
3. These are the happiest people I have ever met. Seriously. They know how to make the best of their condition for sure. They're always laughing and joking and are thourougly amused by our attempts at creole. Kids will run down the street and literally jump on you, laughing and having a great time.
4. It is FREAKING hot.
5. No, the rubble is not gone. It's everywhere. And almost everyone lives in tents. You might feel a little sympathy if they weren't so freaking joyous all the time. People are doing what they can but most of the rubble is cement and where do you dump that?

I have a million more things to say but I can't think of anything.

I love all of you and I'm having a great time here!! If you have any questions just comment. We do so much here I just really don't have the time to write it all down. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Lou! I'm so happy to hear you're loving it! Keep it up. Don't melt. Speak French. And bring me back a voodoo doll.
