
Lesson #19

Today's Lesson Objective includes:


I guess being a woman somehow gives people the assumption that I'm a kid-person. It makes sense I guess, since [most] women tend to be more loving, gentle, kind, and nurturing...then there's me. Don't get me wrong, I think kids are great, but they're not necessarily my cup of tea. I'm positive that this piece of information will surprise lots of people, since I've spread the word that I want a big family (which is as true now as it ever was).

To be honest, I prefer kids before the age of 2 and after the age of 13. Babies are great. They can't talk and they're easy to entertain. And they're adorable! Teenagers, however stupid they can be, are people I really like spending time with. I remember all of those people that helped me when I was young and whiny and they have truly shaped who I am today. It really means a lot to me to be a good influence in the lives of struggling teens.

Well, my mother decided to help me out and get me a job for part of the summer. I guess she thought she was helping me out but really it's torture. Yes, I watch little brats all day. The best part is, they are all between the ages of 5 and 13! Perfect. They love hanging on me. Like literally, clinging onto me for dear life. I hate being touched by anyone, let alone dirty children. All the girls like to grab my hair and immediately start tugging or braiding or stroking it. I'm scared I'll find peanut butter in it one of these days. The worst part is, they all seem to love me but they have a very hard time following directions. No wonder I got this job so easy.

Among all the little people (there's over 100), there are only 3 kids I like.

Kid #1: He is adorable. He is always smiling and reciting his multiplication tables and telling me about the solar system. He told me he wants to be a movie director, paleontologist, and a computer scientist. We were playing a card game and I was losing so he kept giving me some of his cards saying, "you deserve it!". Yesterday he asked me why I'm so pretty all the time. I've never felt more special in my life.

Kid #2: He is such a trouble-maker, but I guess that's why I like him. It's always interesting with him around. He knows he's cute and uses it. But secretly he's a really good boy. I sat and talked with him for awhile and he is quite hilarious. Also he stinks at staring contests, but he's always challenging me to them. I love it.

Kid #3: She is one of the older kids, so I definitely get along with her much more easily. We've had several discussions about Harry Potter and Twilight and she feels that I understand her more than the other counselors because we're both so nerdy. She really reminds me of myself when I was young - she doesn't socialize with the other kids and she's always off to the side reading. We are misfits for life.

I seriously can't wait until this job is over. Does anyone have any suggestions for me as far as surviving these next couple of weeks?

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