
Hey you!


So much has happened in the past week. I have no idea where to start....?

Well, can I say that Haitian kids are the cutest things ever to grace the planet. And I'm not just saying that because I love Haitians. They are soooo cute and they love white people. Every time we walk down the street kids come out of nowhere yelling "Hey you! What is your name?" That's pretty much all they know in english. Then they proceed to follow us down the street, sometimes holding your hand or sometimes clinging to your leg. I went to 2 orphanages last week and I wanted to cry. You know those commercials where they show really sad kids with bugs in their eyes and big bellies from malnutrition? EVERY kid in the orphanage looks like that. Some are better than others, but it's usually one person in charge of like 50 kids and it is so hard for them to care for all the kids. Also there are reported to be 1 million orphans in Haiti and I can guarantee they're not getting the love or attention they deserve. On the plus side, we had a pretty intense soccer game at one of the orphanages - yes, they kicked our trash. Hard core.

Every morning we teach english for free to whoever wants to come. 2 weeks ago there were 30 people. This week there were over 100! I love it. And speaking french comes in handy because I can definitely help out as far as explaining things. Also all the boys love to tell me how pretty I am. It's awesome.

All the girls in my group look freaking gorgeous all the time. I'm going to kill them.

It's still really hot, except apparently I chose the right time to come to Haiti because it's their rainy season and everyday there will be a short time when I'm cold - I will never take that for granted again.

I take bucket showers. It's totally legit.

I hope you're all still alive and kicking. Eat lots of carrots and handburgers for me. Also drink out of the faucet.

1 comment:

  1. Bah! Haiti! Don't fall in love with any Haitian boys, no matter how tempting it is to have little chocolate babies. I love you and your sweaty hot self.
