
Lesson #4

Today's Lesson Objectives Include:

1.) Playing the game "human knot" will never be the same after attempting it with Japanese kids.

When I tell you to picture an Asian person talking, what do you see and hear? There's a good chance that it is a small person with jet black hair speaking gibberish in a high-pitched sort of whiny voice. I don't mean disrespect to any Asians, but you have to admit this is what is pops into your head. And it's true. Now take that person you see and transform it into a 14 year old Japanese boy. Now add 30 more of them. Now picture them all in a circle holding hands trying to get themselves out of a knot they put themselves into and crank of the volume of their voices about 20 times. See it?

Absolutely hilarious.

2.) French hates everyone.

I'm talking about the language, not the people, though that is a definite possibility. I suppose french isn't so hard to learn if you are exposed to it all the time and study really hard, but what happens when you are a college student and you could care less? You guessed it. The stupid language decides to ruin your gpa. And on top of that you paid money to take the class and you still can't speak a lick of it. Word of advice: make everyone learn english.

3.) The laundromat is a haven for intellectual thinkers.

There is just something about the laundromat that calms your soul and cleanses the mind. Perhaps it is that intoxicating smell of detergent, or the fact that the heat is always on full blast. Whatever the case, it seems to bring out the best in everyone. Those who care about their grades find it a relaxing place to do homework and concentrate. For the others, which includes me, the laundromat seems a place of limitless possibilities for the mind. It all of the sudden becomes possible for me to be able to sit and stare at the wall or the spinning dryers for an hour and a half and think of absolutely nothing and LOVE it. I will live in one someday, I have decided. That or the testing center.

1 comment:

  1. i have a comment for all three:



    3) you want to live in a laundromat or a dryer? vague. i hope you meant a dryer.
