
Lesson #3

Today's Lesson Objectives include...

1.) Find that one song that is so catchy it's annoying and sing it all around the apartment until everyone wants to shoot you.

My advice: pick a random song from a random musical. Sure, they may find it extremely annoying and want to bite your head off and feed it to the creepy kid who cuts the lawn out front, but soon enough they'll start singing it too. And when they start singing it, they start to love it almost or just as much as you do. Then you can create amazing musical fusion right in your own apartment! It's a great way to fix rivalries or release tension. I think this will eventually cause world peace and save many lives, to which I will not receive credit for.

2.) Think about your interests, skills, and values before you have to write them down.

The adviser I talked to today asked me to make a list of 25 interests of mine, 25 skills I possess, and 25 things I value. You think it's easy until you have to write it all down. I ended up having to say that I am interested in eating food, I am skilled in the art of procrastination, and I value facebook. If this was a grade I would surely fail...which means I fail at life! Don't make the same mistake. Create your list right this second! Then you will have it handy for the next time someone asks.

3.) Watching movies from your childhood is always a hilarious experience.

All the movies that must be re-watched:
My Neighbor Totoro
Space Jam
Swan Princess
Princess Bride
pretty much any Disney movie

Make this your weekend to-do list.

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