
October 29, 2012

Let me tell you a funny thing. It's called: a funny man from the Philipines saw us on the u-bahn and pointed at us whilst shouting, "MORMONS! THERE ARE MORMONS HERE!" We just laughed and almost made out an appointment with him. BUT I am happy to inform you all that he was a perfect asian version of Jimmy Stewart. I wish I got a picture, it was a perfect likeness. Sister Larsen and I couldn't get over it.

Also did you hear that ever since they lowered the mission ages that the 700 mission applications that the First Presidency receives every week increased to 4000 a week????? And even better, did you know that 61% are from sisters???!!??! CRAAAAAAZY things are happening!!!!!!

So. This week we decided to throw a little Spanish movie night party for all the Spanish-speaking members in our ward and their friends. We had 4 members come with their families and some friends! It was a great success. It also meant a lot to us to have this little group get together and share their testimonies, as only a couple of the members can speak any German and that means that they don't get a lot out of church every week. Also Corola got to finally meet everyone!! It was just great. Really great. Also I shared my testimony in Spanish...it was probably really horrible but Corola loved it so I was happy to do it.

Aaaaaand ja. This week was interesting. Very slow. But good, I think. I'm just starting to hit this point in my mission where I am just SO TIRED. ALL THE TIME. I think I'm going to come home and sleep for 3 days straight.

But I will tell you something really cute that happened yesterday that has just stuck with me. Love when that happens.

Yesterday we were visiting with a family in the ward and it was so great. They're from California, so we got to speak English and talk about normal things. They have the most adorable children on the entire planet, so teaching is always great because they are just SO DANG CUTE and love everything we tell them. So yesterday we decided to share a spiritual thought about the plan of salvation, and we had a little activity to go with it. We were talking about all the different steps and what they mean. One of the girls asked, "Why is it called the Plan of Salvation? What does salvation mean?" So we talked about that a little bit, and her parents were explaining a lot to her. By the end of our time together she said, "Oh, I get it now! That's why it's also called the Plan of Happiness! Salvation is happiness!"

"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father." - Mosiah 3:19, Book of Mormon

I love you allllll. I hope you're having a lovely week.

Sister Young

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