
November 5, 2012

I will just confess something to you right now so you don't think I'm the most wonderful and obedient missionary ever.

I cannot get up in the morning.

Maybe my parents thought that this would get better over time, but it hasn't. I can't ever hear my alarm in the morning, so my comp always has to wake me up. It has been this way since the beginning. The problem now is that my comp is too nice and sweet to try to wake me up, so now I'm always getting up late. Of course I secretly love it, but I promise I'm working on it. But I am still a big fat failure at "Morgen Sport," the 30 minutes set aside for us to exercise in the morning. I don't do it. End of story.

But let me tell you something. It's called: I don't need morgen sport because I exercise enough in the day. And it's true. This week especially, because I'm pretty sure we ran for every single bus that we needed. IT'S THE WORST. Also yesterday we were invited with the elders to eat at a member's home, and before the member left church he cornered us and said, "DON'T BE LATE" in a very authoritative scary German voice. Well, the problem was that the Elders took too long with a member and so we had 20 minutes to get somewhere like 35 minutes away. I seriously felt like we were all in a spy movie or something, crossing 6 lanes of traffic to catch a bus, running to the u-bahn and the sprinting all the way to their apartment. And we kingled at 2pm ON THE DOT. It was a miracle. Sister Larsen used to be terrified every time I would make her run for a bus, but now she's a pro. I am so proud.

Also with all this crazy election stuff going on all the Germans are dying to hear about our opinions! We try to get out of these situations but it's so hard. One conversation we experienced last night goes as follows:

Julia (one of my favorite investigators!!): I heard that Rooney guy is a Mormon.
Us: Oh, you mean Romney?
Julia: Yes, him. How does that work? How can a Mormon be a Republican?
Us: Well lots of Mormons are Republicans.
Julia (shocked to death): WHAT? Why??
Us: The Church is very neutral - they don't get involved in politics. But they encourage members to get involved and to choose for themselves, so you will find Mormons that are on all sides of the political spectrum.
Julia: No, no. How can you be Mormon and not believe in helping people?


I hope you are having fun voting your hearts out.

Sister Young

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