
November 12, 2012

Do you know what I do here in Berlin? I just teach spanish people.


Also I have a shopping problem that includes buying old grandma sweaters with squirrels on them. If I ever remember to bring my camera with me to email, I'll brighten your life with pictures.

This week was a joke. Basically every new appointment fell through, and a ton of people we visit with regularly cancelled on us. We did a lot of walking and a lot of stress-eating at bakeries. Also my companion and I were bad and spoke a lot of English to each other, and then the fact that we teach over half of our lessons in English means that my German is getting WORSE. IT'S HORRIBLE.

Oh oh! I almost forgot to tell you that we met with an Irish woman and yes, THEY ARE AS COOL AS PEOPLE MAKE THEM OUT TO BE. She was so lovely and jolly and made us delicious tea and taught us some new words like "shmuck smhuck!" which I guess means something bad haha. When she told us the story of how she came to believe in God, my whole soul felt like it was lighting on fire. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. Naja, it's too bad she doesn't have any interest in the Book of Mormon. We'll keep praying.

That's about it. I hope your week was swell. Transfer calls are on Saturday and we'll see if I'll be leaving! I'll keep you posted!

Sister Young

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