
August 20, 2012

Herzlichen Glückwünsch Mumsie!!! I hope your birthday was the 2nd best ever, your best being any you've had with me.

This week was insane. Not in a good or bad way, just in a "I don't have any words to describe this" way.

First of alls, I saw my beloved and dear friend Eric. I used his visit as an excuse to go to Hard Rock Cafe for lunch where I could listen to normal music. HA. So thank you for coming, Ricsters. Twas great.

Also great news. We now have 3 investigators under the age of 12. Please don't ask how this happens, it just does.

Aaaaaaand Saturday my companion (because she's going home in a week) got permission to go to this career workshop thing put on by a member. I'm glad she enjoyed it and learned a lot from it but 10 hours is A LITTLE MUCH for me. I ended up leaving the room (a lot of the vocabularly was a little over my head) and went into another room where I read an entire 200 page book, played half the hymns in the hymnbook, tried to sleep, did a Snow White puzzle I found, and read "The Little Mermaid" in German, which I don't know if you knew this but the original story by Hans Christian Anderson is heartwrenching!!!! And then I still had time left over so I wandered around the building and then stared at the wall for about an hour. LONGEST DAY OF MY LIFE. Also after being a missionary for awhile days like that are like torture. I can't sit around doing nothing, it's against my nature. WHATEVER.

Sad news! My lovely friend (and investigator) Sika moved back to France! Saying goodbye was the worst. She was SO AWESOME to be around. Why why why are goodbyes so hard?! But no worries, we're staying in touch and she lives in Lyon so you know I will be there asap. Keine Sorgen, mes amis!

Other than that the week wasn't super eventful. I also can't really remember. Also I'm tired and just want to take a nap. K thanks.


Sister Young

1 comment:

  1. You were just banging your head against the wall all day?!! And I was wandering Berlin alone?!! Why didn't I know you were doing nothing??? What a missed opportunity.
