
August 13, 2012


This week was boooooooring and I can't remember anything that happened. Except that we got 5 joint teaches this week (2 of which were in a member's home!), which is AWESOME.

Oh yes, and a lovely friend of ours from Gambia is preparing himself to be baptized. Yes!

Also I ate this AMAZING spanish hot chocolate this week and I almost died from all the calories I consumed in a single sitting. And I hope you noticed that I said "ate" instead of "drank," because the hot chocolate was so thick I ate it with a spoon. And also they give you a side helping of churros, which are suprisingly delicious in chocolate. I LOVE EUROPE AND THEIR CRAZY CHOCOLATE CREATIONS.

Ok. So you remember how I told you about our little Korean friend and his awesome progess? Well it gets better. We had a lesson with him about Jesus Christ and the role he plays in the Plan of Salvation. We talked a lot about eternal life and how it means that we can live in the presence of God and how we can obtain this wonderful blessing. After we thought we made the point clear and tried to move on, he just kept getting hung up on eternal life and wouldn't let it go. He kept telling us he doesn't really understand. After trying to show him scriptures and things, we kinda gave up and decided to just look it up in the german equivalent of the bible dictionary. It roughly translates to "Eternal life: Living forever as families in the presence of God. Eternal life is the biggest gift that people can receive from God." All of the sudden his eyes lit up and he said, "That's it! Eternal life is with our families!!!" Well, we of course felt like IDIOTS for not mentioning that before! And wow, that just really struck a chord with him, that he could be with his family forever. We had briefly mentioned that once several weeks before, but for some reason in this lesson it just really hit him what that meant. And that was an aaaaaamazing experience for us, to be there for that!! We are so so so excited for him :)

Now the stupid story of the week. So Elders in another part of Berlin called us a couple weeks ago and asked if we would be able to help out with this service project thing, to which we gladly accepted. We found out a couple days before that this little town was having a birthday celebration of sorts (the city was founded 600 years before) and they wanted us sisters to help out at the Relief Society booth at this carnival/festival thing. So as we're counting down the days to help out with this thing, I had been making a lot of jokes about how we'll have to sit there and sew all day and wear bonnets and things. Well everyone got a good laugh out of it, until the day of this thing arrived and we showed up to find out that yes, WE WOULD BE SEWING PILLOWS THE ENTIRE DAY. I was pretty much dying. Worst day ever. Relief Society is sometimes a thorn in my side. That is all.

Ok ok I hope you all have a lovely week and I love y'all lots and lots.

Sister Young

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