
June 18, 2012

Oh my goooooooooooooooosh.

The Young Family European Mission tradition continues. If I may quote Babe, "That'll do pig, that'll do."

Listen. So many funny things happened to me this week and I forgot my planner to remind me of these things. So I'm sorry, maybe they'll come back.

First things first. BERLIN IS THE COOLEST CITY EVER. Ok, I said it. Now don't be too worried, I would still say I prefer Paris. And Hamburg is very near and dear to my heart. And Berlin is pleasantly awesome. It's so old and cool looking and just jam-packed with history, and the places that aren't old or super historical are covered in crazy art! Seriously, this city has found a way into my heart.

BUT. The people here are a lot ruder than in Hamburg. Don't know why. Talking to people on the street is a lot different. Have I already mentioned this before? Probably. Just so you know, it's still true.

Another complaint. This is my first day in Berlin without a coat. IT IS JUNE. I WEAR COATS. The weather is ridiculous.

Not another complaint. I got asked out again! Bahahahaha BERLIN IS FULL OF NUTSIES. This time these 2 really nice young dudes came up to Sister Uhlig and I and asked if we wanted to get something to eat. We told them we can't, we're with a church and blah blah blah. But then they started asking all these questions about God and it was cool. They were super nice! Sister Uhlig was still in shock after the fact but I feel like a pro. Ha.

Other funny story. Just a couple hours before we were asked out by those lovely young men, some crazy drunk men asked me if I would like to have sex! I declined, much to their dismay. I told them I was a nun and I don't want to have sex with them. Then they left after Sister Uhlig told them we're in love with Jesus baahaha.

Also. Crazy thing about Berlin. There are remnants of the wall all over the place, and where it isn't standing anymore there's a line that indicates where it was. The wall ran through a ton of the places where we spend most of our days, and a lot of times you can tell that the wall went right down the street because one side looks completely different than the other. It's crazy to think that it wasn't so long ago, and now I'm walking right down the middle of these streets where the wall stood! Also you can totally tell the difference among the older people if they grew up in the east or not. They have a completely different mindset, especially when it comes to religion. Weird weird weird.

The work is great. We had some investigators tschüss (not want to meet) us this week, which always sucks, but we're going strong and not giving up! We even had a lesson yesterday with an awesome Korean man and he told us that at the beginning of our lesson he had every intention of not meeting with us again but after we bore our testimonies he would give it some more time. Go go go go go. We will win because God wants us to.

I love you all. Don't forget about me. Pray for world peace. The end.

Sister Young

ps. You should all go to the mission blog because there is a very good picture of me up. Ha.


June 11, 2012

Hi hi hi.

I am right this very second in the heart of the biggest city in Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREAKING OUT.

Listen. There are so many people here. Everyday. Everywhere. Speaking every language possible. I still can't believe how many Americans we run into in a day. It's WEIRD. But there are a ton of Asians so I am officially pleased with my new area.

Also if you're cultured at all you would know that the Euro Cup for soccer is going down right now in the neighboring country of Poland and everyone is going PHYSCHO. German flags everywhere and crazy drunk people waving them in your face. Also maybe they have public viewings of the games and maaaaaaybe we go in a weird way to get to our appointments and pass by these giant screens. Maybe.

So let me just tell you that we have set 4 new baptismal dates this week which puts us at 7 people on date. We have 11 progressing investigators and basically I'm just trying to say that missionary work is a lot different here in Berlin. It's awesome. Also we teach 2 people from France and one from Mali (french-speaking country in Africa) soooooooo hopefully I'll get my frenchy vibe on soon and win win win.

Oh. I should probably tell you that I have a new companion! Duh. Her name is Sister Uhlig and (praise to God above) she's from Germany! We have a lot of fun together so I already know this transfer is gonna be good. Also she's going home very soon so I'll probably be with her to the end. Yay!

Mmk mmk. Funny story of the week.

So Sister Uhlig and I are coming out of the subway station when this dude (maybe around 25 or something) approaches me at the bottom of the stairs. Sister Uhlig doesn't see this so she just keeps going up the stairs and LEAVES ME ALONE. Anyways. So this guy taps my shoulder and asks if he can speak to me for a minute. And this is the conversation:
Dude: "I know this is a little weird, but I've seen you several times today and I just wanted to tell you that I find you very attractive."
Me: "Uhhhhhh..."
Dude: *holds out his hand* "My name's Markus."
---It occurs to me right at this second that this is a PERFECT opportunity to snap out of my shock and use my status as a NUN to get out of this situation---
Me: "I'm Sister Young!"
Dude: "...what?"
Me: "My name is Sister Young and I come from a church!"
Me: "Yes of course! Are you?!"

And then! He was gone. Bahahahahaha poor guy. He really was nice. Props to him for finding the courage to talk to a stranger, even if he did just want to get in my pants.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!!!! Love you to pieces.

Sister Young


June 4, 2012

This week was transfer calls. I will tell you the results!...later.

First things first, I have a million things to say that happened this week. And I will make a list because I really really like lists.

1.) I have taken Brent's advice and started to make a list in my journal of all the different countries in the world that I have met people from here on my mission. So far I have over 50 countries and counting! So if you thought that I'm serving my mission in Germany, think again. It's basically the Middle East and Africa hahaha.

2.) I am addicted to Tic Tacs. I don't know why, but every week without fail I buy the biggest package of them available. IT'S WEIRD.

3.) I GOT TO SEE HEIDI AND ANDREW!!!!!!!!!!! And in case you were wondering, I really did make them do missionary work. You can ask them. We visited old people and talked to weirdies on the street. And we also ate a döner but I WAS HUNGRY STOP JUDGING ME. Anyway. It was soooooooo good to see them!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

4.) We have met a new man named Vincent (pronounced Frenchy, so minus the "t," and yes he's German) and he is really chic and awesome and we have an appointment with him today. Best part? HE'S A PERSONAL SHOPPER. Best appointments ever? Yes.

5.) There is an African in our ward that is always trying to pinch our noses. Why, you might ask? "I really like white women's noses. I can't help but touch them!" Bahahahaha WEIRDO.

6.) In case you were wondering, King Benjamin was a socialist. Read Mosiah 4. LOVE IT. JOIN US.

7.) So every Saturday we invite investigators to play soccer and it's awesome. WELL. Last Saturday one of the Elders fell down and scraped his knee pretty bad. Naturally, I pulled out my pads and slapped one on his knee and Sister Moon taped it around his leg. Resourceful? YES. He was only a little embarrassed, don't worry.

8.) This lady in our ward had a birthday party in the church and invited like a million nonmembers so we had to go. LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS. Best part ever? It was a laugh yoga party. It was HILARIOUS. I can't even describe it, please youtube it or something. I almost peed my pants it was the funniest thing ever.

9.) Last night we were over at my favorite members' house and the dad told us to try this "grapejuice" that was called Chardonnay and smelled like alcohol. We took a sip and we're pretty sure it is just grapejuice, but it tasted bitter and weird!!!!!! So we made fun of him the rest of the night. Then I got really weird so we went home. Oops.

10.) Ok. Transfer call results.

This is bad.

I'm freaking out.

What do I do?

I don't know.






Like, the very most central part. Right smack dab in the middle of the biggest city in Germany. I'M GOING TO DIE.

And in case you were wondering, I cried like a baby at church when I had to say goodbye to everyone. It was awful. And saying goodbye to Yalda and her mom was the worst thing ever, I totally lost it at our appointment. I HATE TRANSFERS.

My new area is called Tiergarten (Animal Garden) and it really is the very middle of Berlin. It's half the former East and half the West. Apparently there are a million people always everywhere you look and our area is very very small. BUT I'm sure it's great and whatever. I'm just having a hard time letting go.

Pray for me. Don't forget about me. And if anyone else wants to fly to Germany and "run into me" it's probably ridiculously possible because I'm right in the touristy part of Berlin. Just a thought.

I love you all!!!!!!!

Sister Young


May 28, 2012

Haaaaaaaapy birthday to ME.

Thank you all for your birthday cards and packages and love. It was a really really super day, especially because it was Zone Conference and I didn't have to have a normal missionary day!! Ha ha ha!!!

Also some people in the ward love me lots and lots and made me food and wonderful things. BUT I should tell you that for some unknown reason I have been collecting German children stories that I read for my language study and my favorite lady in ward gave me a complete Brothers Grimm Fairytales set!!!!!!!!!!! I cried a little bit, maybe. It's AWESOME. So yes, I will read you bedtime stories in German when I get back. And then you will have nightmares because they're in German. Ha.

So listen. We found a wonderful new investigator from Afghanistan named Fatima. The problem? She doesn't speak German. Not even a little bit. So we went over for our appointment and much to her dismay her son couldn't stay to translate! So we ended up trying to communicate - always an adventure. We managed to find out that several members in her family have died recently from the Taliban. Also she was married at 10 years old and had her first son at 13! As she was telling us about her life she just started to bawl. Oh we felt so bad, we didn't know what to do! So we asked if we could pray with her. Sister Schaerr gave a beautifuly simple prayer and asked God to bless this wonderful woman and her family. Right after the prayer she grabbed all of us (totally a surprise) and hugged us till we couldn't breathe. She kept kissing our necks and saying, "Danke, Danke, Danke!" Needless to say, it was a beautiful experience. We love meeting with her and we also teach her son now! Yay :)

Speaking of prayer, Yalda prayed!!!!!!! I am so proud of her. She told us that one day she asked her mom if they could go to the park. Her mom said no, so she went into her room and "prayed exactly like we told her." In her (translated) words:
"I remember that you told me that when we talk to God we say what is in our heart. I really wanted to go to the park that day so I prayed really hard that Mom would let me. Then right after I stopped Mama came in and told me that she changed her mind and we could go!"
Is that not the most adorable thing you've ever heard? The best part is that Yalda immediately told her mom what she had done and it made a big impact on her. Things are starting to roll!!!!

Speaking of things rolling, a man pooped is pants on the train yesterday. Bahhahahahahahahaha. It smelled SO nasty and I have never seen anyone run as fast as he did off that train. Poor guy.

Here are some pictures. The adorable little girl is Yalda and Frau Bastan-Mehr is the unbelievably gorgeous woman in purple. I hope you like them.


Sister Young