I have 2 companions now. But you already know this. Before I get into the nitty gritty, let me tell you about my week.
So Sister Martinz left on Tuesday morning for Leipzig, and soon after I left for Kiel to be with Sister Peltier because she also had no companion. The weird thing about transfers is that we have to go to our new places on Tuesday, but those who are training don't get their new companions until Thursday. So for those awkward 2 days, I waited in Kiel with Sister Peltier until we got our new babies. Did you get how that works? Good. Kiel is awesome. I would love to serve there except it's a bike city and I don't want to be in a bike city. Bikes are exercise, and I'd prefer to walk. On Wednesday night we rode the train to Berlin and stayed there overnight with the other Sisters, where I got to meet the first of my new companions - Sister Risenmay. She's from Texas and she acts like it. It's great. We laugh waaaaaaaaaay too much and way too loud.
The next day we went to Golden Conference (the newbies are called "goldens") where Sister Risenmay and I were assigned Sister Moon as our third companion. She's from Utah. She's awesome. Also at Golden Conference I had a little chat with the President to see what the HECK he was thinking and I basically found out that there's a good chance I'll be left in Hamburg with Sister Moon after Sister Risenmay goes home this transfer. Greeeeeeaaaaat. BUT I have found out very quickly that my prayers (and your prayers, of course) did not go unnoticed because my German has gotten remarkably better. I'm pretty sure that I could handle this at the end of this transfer. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
So. Sister Moon is crazy cool. She talks to like everybody and has no shame about her German. She does doors all by herself and she's willing to try anything we ask her to do. I wish I was more like that 3 days into my mission!!!! And we all balance each other out pretty well. It's great. So fun.
I will tell you the miracle story of the week. So I guess there's some sort of rule here (maybe I already mentioned it...) where we can't talk to people in the bus or U-Bahn or anything about the gospel unless they bring it up first. That's a little tricky because Germans never talk to strangers. ANYWAY. So we were sitting on the bus, Sister Risenmay on one side of the aisle and Sister Moon and I sitting on the other. All of the sudden this guy next to Sister Risenmay just strikes up a conversation after seeing her tag and is like SUPER excited that all we do is talk to people about God all day. And he made out an appointment for himself. So Sister Moon and I see this going down and we're super totally jealous and talking about how cool that would be when this guy GETS UP FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BUS and comes and sits next to us and was like, "Who are you?!?!" and then proceeded to make out an appointment for himself too. Coolest bus ride ever. We were like freaking out for 20 minutes.
I hope all y'alls are living cool lives. Eat a cheese stick for me.
Sister Young
Bad news bears.
Transfer call on Saturday. Results are not good.Well ok, I'm staying in Hamburg and THAT is good. But my companion is leaving. And I don't want her to leave. But even worse news.
I'm getting a new companion who's serving in Berlin right now. She's from Texas. Also this is her last transfer.
Doesn't sound so bad, right?
I'M GETTING A SECOND COMPANION. Oh yes, we'll be a cute little trio. Even worse than that? Could it get any worse?!
Yes. SHE'S A NEWBIE. A brand spankin' new baby (probably from America). Death to me. Do you know what this means?!?! It means that I am half-training IN MY THIRD TRANSFER and I'll probably have to finish training her after the other one goes home!!!!!!!!!!
I've cried and cried and had anxiety up the wazoo and I maybe threw up 5 times. That's a lie but I am freaking out. Now I'm in charge of EVERYTHING here and maybe I'll die. I don't know.
Ok. Moving on. Some people have asked me about the style and fashion awesomeness that Germany's supposed to have because they're part of Europe. I don't really know what people dress like in other cities, but here in Hamburg I'm happy to report that about 70 percent of all the girls here look like Snooky impersonators (if you don't know who she us don't even bother googling her - it'll burn your eyes) and 100 percent of the boys like to think they're Eminem, so they sport pierced ears baggy pants and walk with a swagger. It makes me want to barf.
Also EVERYONE here has a reeaaally stupid image of America. Ok, I'm not the biggest fan of America either, but COME ONE. Everyday people ask me if I only eat fast food in America. Also we never move, only watch TV. One thing that everyone LOVES to talk about are gangs, and they are thoroughly convinced gangs consist of about 90 percent of the America public and we drive around shooting each other. Seriously, I've heard that like 20 times. It's funny how they talk about America as if it was this crazy jungle land that no one can survive in. Weird.
I'm happy to report that Tigran has been doing a LOT of missionary work. Seriously. He talks to EVERYONE about the Book of Mormon. He even got one from us to give to a man he met on the U-Bahn (the subway). He's so great. Missionary work, in my opinion, is the number one indicator of someone's testimony and commitment to the church. They just love it so much that they want to share it with everyone! And he does.
Are you ready for the best story of the week?!
So yesterday I was sitting in church and I was feeling pretty sad because everyone was coming up to Sister Martinz and saying goodbye and it just kind of hit me - no one in this ward even knows who I am. They loooooove Sister Martinz because she's so friendly and nice and loves to talk and CAN talk. No one will even notice when I'm gone. So I was pondering this thought when a girl from the ward who's about 12 came up and sat next to me. She really really loves me and I'm not sure why. She also speaks really good English and likes to practice with me. So she asked me why I looked sad and I told her. Then she looked really stern and said, "Well I like you! And I feel really good when you smile. Every time you smile I feel like everything is going to be alright." It was the cutest thing ever. I'll never forget that wonderful message that God sent to me through this little girl right when I needed it. Miracle #50923840928.
Well my darlings. Pray for me and my 2 new companions. Pray that I won't freak out. And, as usual, I pray for you.
Sister Young
Transfer call on Saturday. Results are not good.Well ok, I'm staying in Hamburg and THAT is good. But my companion is leaving. And I don't want her to leave. But even worse news.
I'm getting a new companion who's serving in Berlin right now. She's from Texas. Also this is her last transfer.
Doesn't sound so bad, right?
I'M GETTING A SECOND COMPANION. Oh yes, we'll be a cute little trio. Even worse than that? Could it get any worse?!
Yes. SHE'S A NEWBIE. A brand spankin' new baby (probably from America). Death to me. Do you know what this means?!?! It means that I am half-training IN MY THIRD TRANSFER and I'll probably have to finish training her after the other one goes home!!!!!!!!!!
I've cried and cried and had anxiety up the wazoo and I maybe threw up 5 times. That's a lie but I am freaking out. Now I'm in charge of EVERYTHING here and maybe I'll die. I don't know.
Ok. Moving on. Some people have asked me about the style and fashion awesomeness that Germany's supposed to have because they're part of Europe. I don't really know what people dress like in other cities, but here in Hamburg I'm happy to report that about 70 percent of all the girls here look like Snooky impersonators (if you don't know who she us don't even bother googling her - it'll burn your eyes) and 100 percent of the boys like to think they're Eminem, so they sport pierced ears baggy pants and walk with a swagger. It makes me want to barf.
Also EVERYONE here has a reeaaally stupid image of America. Ok, I'm not the biggest fan of America either, but COME ONE. Everyday people ask me if I only eat fast food in America. Also we never move, only watch TV. One thing that everyone LOVES to talk about are gangs, and they are thoroughly convinced gangs consist of about 90 percent of the America public and we drive around shooting each other. Seriously, I've heard that like 20 times. It's funny how they talk about America as if it was this crazy jungle land that no one can survive in. Weird.
I'm happy to report that Tigran has been doing a LOT of missionary work. Seriously. He talks to EVERYONE about the Book of Mormon. He even got one from us to give to a man he met on the U-Bahn (the subway). He's so great. Missionary work, in my opinion, is the number one indicator of someone's testimony and commitment to the church. They just love it so much that they want to share it with everyone! And he does.
Are you ready for the best story of the week?!
So yesterday I was sitting in church and I was feeling pretty sad because everyone was coming up to Sister Martinz and saying goodbye and it just kind of hit me - no one in this ward even knows who I am. They loooooove Sister Martinz because she's so friendly and nice and loves to talk and CAN talk. No one will even notice when I'm gone. So I was pondering this thought when a girl from the ward who's about 12 came up and sat next to me. She really really loves me and I'm not sure why. She also speaks really good English and likes to practice with me. So she asked me why I looked sad and I told her. Then she looked really stern and said, "Well I like you! And I feel really good when you smile. Every time you smile I feel like everything is going to be alright." It was the cutest thing ever. I'll never forget that wonderful message that God sent to me through this little girl right when I needed it. Miracle #50923840928.
Well my darlings. Pray for me and my 2 new companions. Pray that I won't freak out. And, as usual, I pray for you.
Sister Young
Hello peoples of the world.
As a follow up from last week, I am no longer a depressed little monkey. Do not worry, darlings. All is well, all is well.
So I'm guessing you'd like to know what the heck I've been doing this week, eh?
Well I will tell you that I did doors for the first time by myself! Let me rephrase that - my companion was with me while I talked to people at their doors! Normally I don't say anything. And normally we don't do doors. But we were bored one day and so we went to a poor-looking place (poor people are more likely to talk to us, it's just a fact) to talk to people. At one door this teenage boy answered and said he wasn't interested but his friend had some questions. So he calls back to a friend who came to the door and started to ask us about Adam and Eve. He also asked if we were virgins, which totally threw me off, but he was legitimately interested in why we don't have sex before marriage. Weirdest conversation I've ever had with a stranger in their doorway, let me tell you.
Mmk. Good news for all my fellow "30 Rock" fans. I had dinner with Frank. And it wasn't just any dinner - it was a Chinese buffet. And the whole time he was talking during dinner all I could think was, "Oh my gosh, I'M WITH NASTY FRANK FROM 30 ROCK. And we're eating Chinese food. And this is the greatest thing ever." Be jealous, my friends. Not just anyone could find the only Frank-lookalike in all of Deutschland. Only lucky people like ME.
Also. There is this delicious-looking crepe stand that we pass by all the time by our church and I FINALLY convinced Sister Martinz to get some. So we go over there and while waiting for our crepes have a nice little chat with the crepe boy working there. He smartly figures out that I am obsessed with crepes and gives me a little punch card for frequent know, buy 10 get one free or whatever. So for some reason I said, "Thanks! And here's our card. You're welcome to come to our church services that are held every Sunday." I've never done that before, trying to spark a gospel conversation with someone who's working, I mean. EVER. But it totally WORKED and we had the most interesting conversation about God and he's totally golden. We just have to get him to church haha. But we're WORKING ON IT. And I'll buy a million crepes if I have to.
Ok, ok. I suppose I should talk about the most glorious part of the mission so far: THE BAPTISM OF SOFIA. Aaaaaaaaaaaah. It was awesome.

The baptism was right after church, so I took her into the dressing room right away and helped her put her lovely dress on. We took some pictures then led her into the chapel where we had a lovely talk from my favorite sister in the ward. Then Sister Martinz and I read the story of Jesus getting baptized from the Bible in Armenian, much to Sofia's delight. She was glowing, no joke. Then we expressed how excited we were that she was committing to follow Jesus Christ and we started crying. Of course. Then we led Sofia to the font where our bishop baptized her. Again, so many many tears. And Sofia just had this perma-smile the whole time! She literally had a halo, I'm pretty sure. The ward welcomed her and then we went with Sofia to her place to have a feast. It was so so so great.
Sometimes (a lot of times) I find myself complaining and getting down on myself and wishing I could have my old life back. Then I think of how freaking lucky I've been to find, teach, and baptize someone as amazing as Sofia. I can be so STUPID. I hope everyone gets to experience something as miraculous as seeing someone go through that process of committing to follow Christ. Aaaaaaah man. I cannot express it in words.
Y'all are great. I love ya and I'm sorry I'm really really bad at writing back. I hope you all forgive me.
Peace and blessings.
Sister Young
ps. Did I tell you that Tigran decided to get baptized on April 11th? I'm sorry if I forgot to mention that. Oops.
As a follow up from last week, I am no longer a depressed little monkey. Do not worry, darlings. All is well, all is well.
So I'm guessing you'd like to know what the heck I've been doing this week, eh?
Well I will tell you that I did doors for the first time by myself! Let me rephrase that - my companion was with me while I talked to people at their doors! Normally I don't say anything. And normally we don't do doors. But we were bored one day and so we went to a poor-looking place (poor people are more likely to talk to us, it's just a fact) to talk to people. At one door this teenage boy answered and said he wasn't interested but his friend had some questions. So he calls back to a friend who came to the door and started to ask us about Adam and Eve. He also asked if we were virgins, which totally threw me off, but he was legitimately interested in why we don't have sex before marriage. Weirdest conversation I've ever had with a stranger in their doorway, let me tell you.
Mmk. Good news for all my fellow "30 Rock" fans. I had dinner with Frank. And it wasn't just any dinner - it was a Chinese buffet. And the whole time he was talking during dinner all I could think was, "Oh my gosh, I'M WITH NASTY FRANK FROM 30 ROCK. And we're eating Chinese food. And this is the greatest thing ever." Be jealous, my friends. Not just anyone could find the only Frank-lookalike in all of Deutschland. Only lucky people like ME.
Also. There is this delicious-looking crepe stand that we pass by all the time by our church and I FINALLY convinced Sister Martinz to get some. So we go over there and while waiting for our crepes have a nice little chat with the crepe boy working there. He smartly figures out that I am obsessed with crepes and gives me a little punch card for frequent know, buy 10 get one free or whatever. So for some reason I said, "Thanks! And here's our card. You're welcome to come to our church services that are held every Sunday." I've never done that before, trying to spark a gospel conversation with someone who's working, I mean. EVER. But it totally WORKED and we had the most interesting conversation about God and he's totally golden. We just have to get him to church haha. But we're WORKING ON IT. And I'll buy a million crepes if I have to.
Ok, ok. I suppose I should talk about the most glorious part of the mission so far: THE BAPTISM OF SOFIA. Aaaaaaaaaaaah. It was awesome.

The baptism was right after church, so I took her into the dressing room right away and helped her put her lovely dress on. We took some pictures then led her into the chapel where we had a lovely talk from my favorite sister in the ward. Then Sister Martinz and I read the story of Jesus getting baptized from the Bible in Armenian, much to Sofia's delight. She was glowing, no joke. Then we expressed how excited we were that she was committing to follow Jesus Christ and we started crying. Of course. Then we led Sofia to the font where our bishop baptized her. Again, so many many tears. And Sofia just had this perma-smile the whole time! She literally had a halo, I'm pretty sure. The ward welcomed her and then we went with Sofia to her place to have a feast. It was so so so great.
Sometimes (a lot of times) I find myself complaining and getting down on myself and wishing I could have my old life back. Then I think of how freaking lucky I've been to find, teach, and baptize someone as amazing as Sofia. I can be so STUPID. I hope everyone gets to experience something as miraculous as seeing someone go through that process of committing to follow Christ. Aaaaaaah man. I cannot express it in words.
Y'all are great. I love ya and I'm sorry I'm really really bad at writing back. I hope you all forgive me.
Peace and blessings.
Sister Young
ps. Did I tell you that Tigran decided to get baptized on April 11th? I'm sorry if I forgot to mention that. Oops.
March 5, 2012
Hello my lovelies.
I have pretty much nothing to say. Actually I do but I forgot them all. This is how it works - when something happens, I have to write it down right that second. If I don't, I can't remember anything. ANYTHING. So here I am sitting in front of the computer drawing a blank because everyday is the same in my mind and so I can't even remember what happened yesterday let alone a week ago.
Problem solved - looking at the comp's planner. Check.
Funny story. So one time we were on a bus and this cute little Asian couple was staring at us for a long time. They leaned over to someone and asked about us (we assume this because they were pointing at us whilst in conversation) and we were so confused because they don't like familiar at all. We really wanted to talk to them but there was like a million people inbetween us and we couldn't get to them in time. They got off at a couple stops before ours, and the lady turned around and waved at us with this gigantic smile on her face. So naturally we wrote the stop down and the direction they were walking. A couple of days later we devoted time in our planner to "Asian finding" and did doors for like 2 hours in the general vicinity of where we saw them walking, particularly picking out apartments with Asian sounding names. Morally acceptable? I'm not really sure. But we plan on knocking every Asian door in that area until we find them. So sue me.
Also. We had tausch this week (exchanges) and I got to be with Sister Peltier in Langenhorn, which was frightening because I was in charge of EVERYTHING, including the teaching. So yes, I basically taught a lesson by myself and it was awful. But it was Sofia and she's super great so I don't think she minded.
Can I also just add that the most recent picture of me on the mission blog is not an accurate depiction of what I really look like?? Because I promise I'm not that chubby. It's just a terrible picture. K thanks.
Let me tell you that this week was basically a week of crap. A big pile of it. Terrible numbers, terrible experiences, terrible everything. We had companionship inventory from HELL and it basically made me want to die. I thought I would die. I'm never getting married, and if I'm forced to I'm never talking about my feelings. EVER. And yes, this is what I've learned from my mission so far: never get married, never have children. CHEESE.
I just really miss reading. We have an encyclopedia in our apartment and it's a really good thing it's all in German or I would read the whole thing during personal study. I literally read the dictionary just so I have something DIFFERENT. Gah.
Yes yes, I'm a complainer. But I will tell you something cool. Today we went to the Planetarium here and it was pretty sweet. We also walked around pretty parks and ate pizza. Hamburg is such a beautiful city. I wish I had more time to see it. Langenhorn is really really ugly, so we try to spend all our p-days in downtown Hamburg.
Speaking of going into Hamburg, I have no time to write people emails this week. Sorry sorry sorry. I will get to you, DON'T WORRY.
I love you. I miss you. And I would like everyone who has served a mission to send me one sentence of advice of how you coped with all this RIDICULOUSNESS. Please and thank you.
Sister Young
I have pretty much nothing to say. Actually I do but I forgot them all. This is how it works - when something happens, I have to write it down right that second. If I don't, I can't remember anything. ANYTHING. So here I am sitting in front of the computer drawing a blank because everyday is the same in my mind and so I can't even remember what happened yesterday let alone a week ago.
Problem solved - looking at the comp's planner. Check.
Funny story. So one time we were on a bus and this cute little Asian couple was staring at us for a long time. They leaned over to someone and asked about us (we assume this because they were pointing at us whilst in conversation) and we were so confused because they don't like familiar at all. We really wanted to talk to them but there was like a million people inbetween us and we couldn't get to them in time. They got off at a couple stops before ours, and the lady turned around and waved at us with this gigantic smile on her face. So naturally we wrote the stop down and the direction they were walking. A couple of days later we devoted time in our planner to "Asian finding" and did doors for like 2 hours in the general vicinity of where we saw them walking, particularly picking out apartments with Asian sounding names. Morally acceptable? I'm not really sure. But we plan on knocking every Asian door in that area until we find them. So sue me.
Also. We had tausch this week (exchanges) and I got to be with Sister Peltier in Langenhorn, which was frightening because I was in charge of EVERYTHING, including the teaching. So yes, I basically taught a lesson by myself and it was awful. But it was Sofia and she's super great so I don't think she minded.
Can I also just add that the most recent picture of me on the mission blog is not an accurate depiction of what I really look like?? Because I promise I'm not that chubby. It's just a terrible picture. K thanks.
Let me tell you that this week was basically a week of crap. A big pile of it. Terrible numbers, terrible experiences, terrible everything. We had companionship inventory from HELL and it basically made me want to die. I thought I would die. I'm never getting married, and if I'm forced to I'm never talking about my feelings. EVER. And yes, this is what I've learned from my mission so far: never get married, never have children. CHEESE.
I just really miss reading. We have an encyclopedia in our apartment and it's a really good thing it's all in German or I would read the whole thing during personal study. I literally read the dictionary just so I have something DIFFERENT. Gah.
Yes yes, I'm a complainer. But I will tell you something cool. Today we went to the Planetarium here and it was pretty sweet. We also walked around pretty parks and ate pizza. Hamburg is such a beautiful city. I wish I had more time to see it. Langenhorn is really really ugly, so we try to spend all our p-days in downtown Hamburg.
Speaking of going into Hamburg, I have no time to write people emails this week. Sorry sorry sorry. I will get to you, DON'T WORRY.
I love you. I miss you. And I would like everyone who has served a mission to send me one sentence of advice of how you coped with all this RIDICULOUSNESS. Please and thank you.
Sister Young
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