

This week has been the craziest thing ever. But first let me tell you the most important things.

Firstly, I stopped shaving. Like, my body is a forest. That's how bad it is. But you know what? IT KEEPS ME WARM. So I'm not shaving till Spring.

Also the heater in our bathroom also happens to be a towel rack. I LOVE GERMANY.

Mmk. Eating here is so whack. I already told you they feed us till we sweat the food out of our pores, but did I mention that they never drink anything?? They'll pour you a giant glass of CARBONATED WATER (the most DISGUSTING drink EVER) and then nobody touches it until everyone is done eating. So then I have to chug this nasty crap and it hurts my throat. So lately I've been asking for stille wasser (normal water) and they look at me like I'm crazy. But I don't care!!! I do what I WANT. And then they always offer tea, so I'm learning to like it.

The weather is rain rain rain. That is all. I think I've seen the sun twice. Also I bought my first pair of boots ever and they are fabulous. Why have I not done this before???

So. The language. I'm sure you'd all like to know that I CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP THIS LANGUAGE IS SO FLIPPIN RIDICULOUS and I can't understand a single word. That's a lie. I understand "Nein!" and also "Ja!", and that is not helpful for me. Pooooooooooooooo.

BUT. We (my companion and I) have big big plans. 4 baptismal dates at the end of our time together (12 weeks/2 transfers). Currently we have 3 progressing investigators (one already with a baptismal date) and 4 new ones, so I am not worried. We pray and pray that these people pull through. All of them are super dooper awesome.

Which reminds me!! I have 2 miracle stories for the week.

Miracle #1 - So Sister Martinz and I went out in the boonies of our area to try to find this person that's apparently in our ward because they're on the member list but nobody has any idea who they are. So we go to their apartment building and try to ring her but she's not answering. But we can't go all the way there for nothing! So Sister Martiz presses a random button and this lady answered and let us up!!!!! Do you understand how incredibly rare that is???!? It was crazy. So we met Dea from Sri Lanka. She's awesome, but she doesn't want lessons until God gives her a sign haha. I'm not worried though. IT WILL HAPPEN.

Miracle #2 - We were expecting some people for church who ACTUALLY CAME. Ryssat (from Poland) said that his experience at church made him want to really change his life so he's finally going to meet with us on a regular basis. He brought a friend of his that we met once named Erika. She's from Russia and doesn't speak very good German, so she was really unsure about coming because she wouldn't be able to understand. But lo and behold, one of the nicest ladies in the ward just happens to speak Russian and she translated the whole sacrament meeting for her. Erika started crying because she was so happy. AND THAT'S NOT EVEN THE BIGGEST MIRACLE!! We stopped a lady on the street the other day and gave her a card with the address to our church on it. I kept telling my companion that she was going to come and of course she did. SHE CAME TO CHURCH. AND SHE LOVED IT. Aaaaaaaah. It's days like that that really help you when you're feeling poopy.

Random thought: did I tell you that my companion is a midwife? Because she is!! One more reason everything is freaking awesome.

BUT. Don't let my jolly words fool you into thinking missions are the greatest thing ever. I'm sure they are in hindsight, but they sure are hard. I feel like I'm being tested in ways that were not even possible. And I'm not even a transer into my mission! Yikes.

Well my lovlies. Your scripture for the week is Psalms 36:7 and your piece of advice is: if you go on splits with the missionaries, PLEASE DON'T SAY ANYTHING STUPID OR CONFUSING. K thanks.


Sister Young

1 comment:

  1. Aren't miracles the best?!! I saw them every day on my mission - sometimes it was just that I survived the day, but that in itself was a miracle. God lives and this IS His work.
